Microfox ?

I’ve added Digg to my general lunch time reading web sites. I came across this yesterday. Microsoft invites Firefox development team to Redmond .

Well, isn’t that nice, the big boy opening his pond (including all the sharks) to the little fish. (if you don’t get it, it’s a line from Die Hard 2 about pissing in somebody else’s pond) What’s funny about the article is not the article but some of the comments, here are but a few.

  • Cool. Very cool.
  • they’re going to brainwash them into working for microsoft and their going to cast off the IE team to replace the firefox team
  • Just replace IE 7 with FF 2.0. Save every web developer 100s of hours.
  • “Come into my parlour,” said the spider to the fly
  • DON’T DO IT! My god, has noone seen Braveheart? The Untouchables? The Godfather? Scarface?
  • hey’re going to kidnap the Mozilla developers with a cunning trail of pizza and cola, and force them to work on IE8.
  • ITS A TRAP! http://itsatrap.ytmnd.com/

I like the last one, maybe just because of the cool picture on referenced site.

I see today an official response Firefox welcomes Microsoft’s offer of help

Tagged with: General Open Source Windoze

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