Learning SEO the painful way

Indeed I have a goal of launching a consolidated site of my online presence at ronaldbradford.com at some time soon, and even now I have found I’ve made some SEO 101 mistakes, just in my testing site, and my temporary placeholder.

As a database expert I see plenty of database 101 mistakes with most clients, so part of why my site is going nowhere is I don’t want to make SEO 101 mistakes, especially as I’m not launching a new site, but a migration of existing content to one site.

I see nobody at O’Reilly has made improvements to the redirection mess of the MySQL Conference website as described by Farhan Mashraqi in Someone please change mysqlconf.com redirection , and so rather then linking to www.mysqlconf.com which I have done, I’ve linked to the direct page, which I’m sure will probably change after the conference making this a broken link.

I am concerned that a larger organization can’t get this right. Is SEO/SEM not important to them? It will also be of interest to see what happens here with Sun acquiring MySQL. Sun did a rather detailed job of MySQL content on www.sun.com . Time will tell I guess.

Tagged with: MySQL MySQL Users Conference 2008 Web

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