Installation issues with MySQL 5.5.4 and resolveip

I was installing the latest MySQL 5.5.4 on a new machine and I came across the following issues during installation, steps I generally perform on other versions without any incidents.

$ sudo su -
$ cd /opt
$ wget
$ tar xvfz mysql-5.5.4-m3-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz
$ cd mysql-5.5.4-m3-linux2.6-x86_64
$ scripts/mysql_install_db
Neither host 'barney' nor 'localhost' could be looked up with /usr/bin/resolveip
Please configure the 'hostname' command to return a correct hostname.
If you want to solve this at a later stage, restart this script with the --force option

Perform some checks

$ /usr/bin/resolveip
-su: /usr/bin/resolveip: No such file or directory

$ hostname

$ head -2 /etc/hosts	localhost	barney

I was surprised to find that my Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx box had a different IP for hostname, rather then That was a little weird. I changed this just for comfort.

I was not familiar with this command so I tried to install it.

$ apt-get install resolveip
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package resolveip

$  apt-cache search resolveip

No luck there, off to Google to do a search for resolveip and ubuntu you find the following online manual page which surprising shows the following as the owner of the command.
Copyright 2007-2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Thinking it’s now actually packaged with MySQL we find this in the untar directory.

$ bin/resolveip `hostname`
IP address of barney is

I’m now still none the wiser regarding this command. I’ve decided to take the –force option for now and we will see!

Tagged with: Databases MySQL

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