If you can’t beat them, join them!

Like fellow friends and MySQL’ers before me Morgan, Roland, Giuseppe, Markus and Sean , I’ve joined the MySQL juggernaut on the ride of my life, achieving two of my short/medium term professional goals in one step. Woot!

It says something to me about the company I’m very excited to work for when I knew of all these people before they joined MySQL this year (2006). I’ll also be joining other friends and MySQL people Arjen , Jon , Jay , Colin , Michael Z and I still have a list of friends that I’ve met while being part of the MySQL community.

And as Giuseppe said I’ll be working in a virtual company . Another article I like to tell others about MySQL is MySQL: Workers in 25 countries with no HQ .

I’ll leave you with the MySQL Values from the Company About MySQL AB page.

We want the MySQL server to be:

  • The best and the most used database in the world
  • Available and affordable for all
  • Easy to use
  • Continuously improved while remaining fast and safe
  • Fun to use and improve
  • Free from bugs

MySQL AB and the people of MySQL AB:

  • Subscribe to the Open Source philosophy
  • Aim to be good citizens
  • Prefer partners that share our values and mindset
  • Answer email and give support
  • Are a virtual company, networking with others
Tagged with: Databases General MySQL

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