I recent visit with old Brisbane friend HiTCHO which I met at the Brisbane MySQL Users Group in 2005, has lead to this cool list of some hardware and software technologies he used that I am now considering or have already implemented or purchased.
- xmarks.com – Bookmark-Powered Web Discovery
- Pulse – Smart Pen
- Quicksilver Mac windows manager
- MailPlane – Brings Gmail to your Mac desktop
- Evernote – Remember Everything, with Firefox plugin and iPhone App
- Textmate – The missing editor for Mac OS/X
- Screen flow Professional screencasting Studio
- Snoop – A GNU/Linux file descriptor monitoring tool inspired by FreeBSD’s ‘watch’.
- Drobo – Storage that manages itself
- Canon PowerShot SX1 . True HD in a Canon compact digital camera.
- LiveScribe – Never miss a word