I came across www.problogger.net by accident. Like many sites and information these days, you simply don’t find via search engines because your normally searching for something specific. I did find it via several levels of hyperlinks. I really wish there was firefox plugin that would track every site you visited, often I’d like to plot how I got to where I am, but that’s another story.
Considering the author is Australian, a top Plurker and Photographer got me intrigued enough to delve for a few moments. What I found is some good information, such as 10 Ways to Optimize a Popular Post on Your Blog and Is Your Blog a Networking Tool? .
Some more reading, Five Ways That Strategic Bullet Points Make You a Stronger Blogger , which leads to a site that includes articles such as Seal the Deal: 10 Tips for Writing the Ultimate Landing Page , which is exactly what I’m looking for with an upcoming Ad Words campaign, but wasn’t searching at the time.
You never know sometimes where good information comes from.