Burning DVD’s under CentOS 4.2

Attempt to update XCDRoast. Instructions at http://www.xcdroast.org/manual/dvd.html

su -
wget ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ProDVD/cdrecord-prodvd-2.01a12-i586-pc-linux-gnu
mv cdrecord-prodvd-2.01a12-i586-pc-linux-gnu cdrecord.prodvd
chmod 755 cdrecord.prodvd

xcdroast not configured for root usage

xcdroast &

You will get a warning message, this confirms that prodvd is installed


SetUp | Options | CDR_SECURITY_KEY
Now get 4.7GB option, but when attempting to write kept getting can’t init drive option, then it would eject DVD?

So I’ve moved to trying GnomeBaker

<br /> su -<br /> cd /src/rpm<br /> wget http://repo.nrpms.net/gnomebaker/0.5.0/RPMS/gnomebaker-0.5.0-1.1.fc4.nr.i386.rpm<br /> rpm -ivh gnomebaker-0.5.0-1.1.fc4.nr.i386.rpm<br />

There were some dependancies, but I’ve not noted these here.

Tagged with: General Linux

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