Building MySQL Workbench 1.0.1 for Linux (Part 2)

Following my earlier post of MySQL Workbench 1.0.1 for Linux and logging a MySQL Bug, I’ve had the Bug verified, and the a further update of a compiler success. Details of compile from Bug #16880

Compiled with:

  • glibmm-2.8.1
  • gtk+-2.8.8
  • libsigc++-2.0.11

I’ve got:

<br /> libsigc++-2.0.17<br /> glib-2.6.6<br /> glibmm-2.6.1<br /> atk-1.9.0<br /> pango-1.8.2<br /> gtk+-2.6.9<br /> gtkmm-2.6.5<br /> lua-5.0.2<br />

So starting with the obvious downgrading of libsigc++

<br /> $ su -<br /> $ cd /src<br /> $ wget<br /> $ tar xvfz libsigc++-2.0.11.tar.gz<br /> $ cd libsigc++-2.0.11<br /> $ ./configure --prefix=/usr<br /> make<br /> make install<br />

Now to retrace the MySQL compiling.

<br /> $ su -<br /> $ cd /src<br /> $ wget<br /> $ tar xvfz mysql-workbench-1.0.1.tar.gz<br /> $ cd mysql-workbench-1.0.1<br /> $ cd mysql-gui-common<br /> $ ./configure --enable-grt --enable-canvas<br /> $ make<br />

No errors, a sound start.

<br /> $ cd ../mysql-workbench/<br /> $ ./configure<br /> $ make<br /> ../../../mysql-gui-common/library_gc/source/libgcanvas.a(myx_gc_gl_helper.o)(.text+0x1b5): In function `getProcAddress(char const*)':<br /> /src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-gui-common/library_gc/source/myx_gc_gl_helper.cpp:264: undefined reference to `glXGetProcAddress'<br /> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status<br /> make[3]: *** [mysql-workbench-bin] Error 1<br /> make[3]: Leaving directory `/src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-workbench/source/linux'<br /> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2<br /> make[2]: Leaving directory `/src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-workbench/source/linux'<br /> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1<br /> make[1]: Leaving directory `/src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-workbench/source'<br /> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1<br />

Crash and burn. So try to reproduce with the more accurate libraries. Of course it’s a bit of trial and error, here is the end result in order, but it was much more difficult as previously to get this.

$ cd /src
$ wget
$ tar xvfz pango-1.10.2.tar.gz
$ cd pango-1.10.2
$ ./configure –prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install
$ wget
$ tar xvfz glib-2.8.6.tar.gz
$ cd glib-2.8.6
$ ./configure –prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make lib
$ wget
$ tar xvfz atk-1.10.3.tar.gz
$ cd atk-1.10.3
$ ./configure –prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install

(sigc++-2.0 >= 2.0.0 glib-2.0 >= 2.8.0 gobject-2.0 >= 2.8.0 gmodule-2.0 >= 2.8.0)

Latest is 2.8.4

$ wget
$ tar xvfz glibmm-2.8.1.tar.gz
$ cd glibmm-2.8.1
$ ./configure –prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install

New Requirements for gtk 2.8.8

$ wget
$ tar xvfz cairo-1.0.2.tar.gz
$ cd cairo-1.0.2
$ ./configure –prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install

Pango not found. Pango built with Cairo support is required

$ cd /src/pango-1.10.2
$ ./configure –prefix=/usr –with-cairo=YES
$ make
$ make install
$tar xvfz gtk+-2.8.8.tar.gz
$cd gtk+-2.8.8

Requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.7.1 atk >= 1.0.1 pango >= 1.9.0 cairo >= 0.9.2)

$ ./configure –prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install

gtkmm Latest is 2.8.2

$ wget
tar xvfz gtkmm-2.8.2.tar.gz
cd gtkmm-2.8.2
./configure –prefix=/usr

Note, this takes by far the longest to compile

make install

SideNote: This was a maze to get the right dependancies for the right products. It took many hours.

And around the merry-go-round we go again.

cd /src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-gui-common
$ ./configure –enable-grt –enable-canvas
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../mysql-workbench/
$ ./configure
$ make
/usr/lib/python2.3/config/libpython2.3.a(posixmodule.o)(.text+0x3c5a): In function `posix_tmpnam’:
warning: the use of tmpnam_r' is dangerous, better use mkstemp’
/usr/lib/python2.3/config/libpython2.3.a(posixmodule.o)(.text+0x3b94): In function `posix_tempnam’:
warning: the use of tempnam' is dangerous, better use mkstemp’
../../../mysql-gui-common/library_gc/source/libgcanvas.a(myx_gc_gl_helper.o)(.text+0x1b5): In function getProcAddress(char const*)':<br /> /src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-gui-common/library_gc/source/myx_gc_gl_helper.cpp:264: undefined reference to glXGetProcAddress’
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [mysql-workbench-bin] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory /src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-workbench/source/linux'<br /> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2<br /> make[2]: Leaving directory /src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-workbench/source/linux’
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/src/mysql-workbench-1.0.1/mysql-workbench/source’
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Same result, so after another 4 or 5 hours, I still have nothing.

Some more research (I really should devote my time to other pursuits). An official comment from NVidia Corporation on their forums. View Thread

This is not a NVIDIA bug, glXGetProcAddress() is part of GLX 1.4, which the NVIDIA Linux/UNIX graphics driver doesn’t claim to support (nor do I think was GLX 1.4 ever finalized); you should always use glXGetProcAddressARB().

Tagged with: Databases General Linux MySQL Open Source

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