In the past week I’ve added some more reading to my list, extended the library and hammered the credit card. Some of this has been in part to keep abreast of things as a result of being quizzed in job interviews.
Readyset is a next-generation database caching solution that offers a drop-in; no application code changes; approach to improve database performance. If you are using a legacy application where it is difficult to modify SQL statements, or the database is overloaded due to poorly-designed SQL access patterns, implementing a cache is a common design strategy for addressing database reliability and scalability issues.
Sysbench is a popular open-source benchmarking tool designed to evaluate the performance of system components such as CPU, memory, disk I/O, and databases. It is commonly used for testing MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other databases under different load conditions.
AWS can drop 10+ articles a day just in the What’s New feed. You either need an eagle eye, or luck to keep up if you run multiple AWS database products across multiple regions and managing infrastructure.