What OS do you use for MySQL?

In looking at operating systems in use for last year I found a very high concentration of RedHat/CentOS 5, and Ubuntu LTS operating systems. I would like to get a better picture of what is really used for MySQL production systems.
Please take a moment to help me out. This survey only has one question.



  1. says

    Hey Ronald,

    out of 20 customers I support here’s a breakdown;

    1 Solaris 10
    2 Windows (2003,2008)
    17 CentOS/RHEL (5.4 -> 6.3)

    None on Ubuntu LTS which is odd!



  2. says

    Hi, Ronald.

    I usually just use Debian. Before I use debian 6 but now slowly migrted to Debian 7. I like Debian more because it is minimalistic and very easy to use.