What alert monitoring do you use?

More importantly, how often to you confirm access to your server and database with that alert monitoring?

With a client yesterday the primary database server while still usable and serving connections for a while, but was not accessible via SSH to investigate performance issues. It eventually became non responsive and required a physical reboot. With alert monitoring for system availability only recorded every 5 minutes this was simply too long a delay.

This lead to a discussion with more questions then answers including.

  • How often should you ping your server(s), both internally and externally?
  • How often do you connect physically to your server for confirmation, e.g. a ssh keyed authentication test?
  • How often do you perform a physical database connection test?
  • How often do you do an end to end test, including http request to database query test?

As with all of these, you also want to time these operations for any deviations.

I’ve created a very simple MySQL Alert Monitoring survey. I would appreciate your input.

Tagged with: Databases MySQL Uncategorized

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