Installing Samba

Running on CentOS 4.1 the following steps were use to install Samba.

Install RPM’s
$ rpm -ivh samba-3.0.10-1.4E.i386.rpm
$ rpm -ivh samba-swat-3.0.10-1.4E.i386.rpm

Start Processes
$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start

Check Processes
$ ps -ef | grep smb
root 21243 1 0 10:19 ? 00:00:00 smbd -D
root 21244 21243 0 10:19 ? 00:00:00 smbd -D
$ ps -ef | grep nmb
root 21248 1 0 10:19 ? 00:00:00 nmbd -D

Enable on System Reboot
$ chkconfig smb on
$ chkconfig –list smb

Configure SWAT (web interface to administer samba)
$ vi /etc/xinetd.d/swat

# default: off
# description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool. Use swat 
#              to configure your Samba server. To use SWAT, 
#              connect to port 901 with your favorite web browser.
service swat
        port            = 901
        socket_type     = stream
        wait            = no
#       only_from       =
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/sbin/swat
        log_on_failure  += USERID
        disable         = no

$ killall -SIGHUP xinetd
$ tail /var/log/messages

Sep 13 10:17:18 omega xinetd[2160]: Starting reconfiguration
Sep 13 10:17:18 omega xinetd[2160]: Swapping defaults
Sep 13 10:17:18 omega xinetd[2160]: Reconfigured: new=1 old=0 dropped=0 (services)

Verify Settings

Using the installed SWAT, simply point the browser to

Htaccess is root and the system root password

Configuring Samba, well that’s another story.