Installing Mediawiki on Oracle Enterprise Linux LAMP stack

A company wiki can be easily configured in under 10 minutes using Mediawiki the open source LAMP software that powers the top 10 website Wikipedia.

A company wiki is an ideal means for a centralized and user contributed documentation system. The following steps show you how to download, configure and get your Mediawiki site operational.

Software Pre-Requisites

Software Installation

su -
cd /tmp
cd /var/www/html
tar xfz /tmp/mediawiki*.tar.gz
mv mediawiki* wiki
chmod 777 wiki/config

NOTE: You should check the Mediawiki Downloads page for the latest version.

You can now visit http://localhost/wiki and you will be presented with a message of an un-configured Mediawiki environment. You can streamline the MySQL portion of this configuration with the following commands.

mysql -uroot -p -e "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS wikidb;CREATE SCHEMA wikidb"
mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE USER wikiuser @localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'sakila'"
mysql -uroot -p -e "GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,INDEX on wikidb.* TO wikiuser@localhost"

You can now complete the configuration on the Configuration Page. You will need to enter the following information.

  • Wiki name = Example Wiki
  • Contact e-mail = your email address
  • Admin user password = enter password
  • DB password = sakila

After successful installation, one additional step is needed.

mv wiki/config/LocalSettings.php wiki/
chmod 400 wiki/LocalSettings.php
chmod 500 wiki/config

You can now start using your new Wiki at http://localhost/wiki. You will find documentation at the links provided on the displayed home page and also at

MySQL Structures

Looking at the tables that are created by the installation process:

$ mysql -uwikiuser -psakila blog

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_wikidb  |
| archive           |
| category          |
| categorylinks     |
| change_tag        |
| external_user     |
| externallinks     |
| filearchive       |
| hitcounter        |
| image             |
| imagelinks        |
| interwiki         |
| ipblocks          |
| job               |
| l10n_cache        |
| langlinks         |
| log_search        |
| logging           |
| math              |
| objectcache       |
| oldimage          |
| page              |
| page_props        |
| page_restrictions |
| pagelinks         |
| protected_titles  |
| querycache        |
| querycache_info   |
| querycachetwo     |
| recentchanges     |
| redirect          |
| revision          |
| searchindex       |
| site_stats        |
| tag_summary       |
| templatelinks     |
| text              |
| trackbacks        |
| transcache        |
| updatelog         |
| user              |
| user_groups       |
| user_newtalk      |
| user_properties   |
| valid_tag         |
| watchlist         |
45 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT table_name,engine,table_rows FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'wikidb';
| table_name        | engine | table_rows |
| archive           | InnoDB |          0 |
| category          | InnoDB |          0 |
| categorylinks     | InnoDB |          0 |
| change_tag        | InnoDB |          0 |
| external_user     | InnoDB |          0 |
| externallinks     | InnoDB |          0 |
| filearchive       | InnoDB |          0 |
| hitcounter        | MEMORY |          0 |
| image             | InnoDB |          0 |
| imagelinks        | InnoDB |          0 |
| interwiki         | InnoDB |         95 |
| ipblocks          | InnoDB |          0 |
| job               | InnoDB |          0 |
| l10n_cache        | InnoDB |       3686 |
| langlinks         | InnoDB |          0 |
| log_search        | InnoDB |          0 |
| logging           | InnoDB |          0 |
| math              | InnoDB |          0 |
| objectcache       | InnoDB |          2 |
| oldimage          | InnoDB |          0 |
| page              | InnoDB |          1 |
| page_props        | InnoDB |          0 |
| page_restrictions | InnoDB |          0 |
| pagelinks         | InnoDB |          0 |
| protected_titles  | InnoDB |          0 |
| querycache        | InnoDB |          0 |
| querycache_info   | InnoDB |          0 |
| querycachetwo     | InnoDB |          0 |
| recentchanges     | InnoDB |          0 |
| redirect          | InnoDB |          0 |
| revision          | InnoDB |          1 |
| searchindex       | MyISAM |          0 |
| site_stats        | InnoDB |          1 |
| tag_summary       | InnoDB |          0 |
| templatelinks     | InnoDB |          0 |
| text              | InnoDB |          1 |
| trackbacks        | InnoDB |          0 |
| transcache        | InnoDB |          0 |
| updatelog         | InnoDB |          0 |
| user              | InnoDB |          1 |
| user_groups       | InnoDB |          2 |
| user_newtalk      | InnoDB |          0 |
| user_properties   | InnoDB |          0 |
| valid_tag         | InnoDB |          0 |
| watchlist         | InnoDB |          0 |
45 rows in set (0.01 sec)

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