DP#8 The disadvantages of row at a time processing

It can be hard for software engineers to understand the following principle, however it is very important for improving performance and obtaining immediate scalability options. The principle is “Do Less Work”. That is, run less SQL statements.

Just one method to achieving the execution of less SQL statements is to eliminate Row At a Time (RAT) processing. In simple terms, do not perform identical repeating SQL statements in a loop. Relational algebra, and the Structure Query Language (SQL) specification is specifically designed to work with sets of data, or as I describe, Chunk At a Time (CAT) processing.

Customer Example

Your online social media website lets you send messages to multiple friends at one time. You enter the message, select the friends you want to receive the message and click send. While the user waits a moment and gets a success message, behind the scenes the application runs the following SQL statements to record your request.

INSERT INTO dp8_message_sent(message_id, user_id, message, created)
VALUES(NULL, 42, 'Hey guys. Just a reminder. The poker game will start on Friday at 8pm.',NOW());
SELECT @message_id :=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO dp8_message_recipient(message_id, from_user_id, to_user_id, status)
VALUES (@message_id,42,16,'New');
UPDATE dp8_user_notification
SET    new_message = 'Y',
       new_message_count = new_message_count + 1
WHERE  user_id = 16;
INSERT INTO dp8_message_recipient(message_id, from_user_id, to_user_id, status)
VALUES (@message_id,42,18,'New');
UPDATE dp8_user_notification
SET    new_message = 'Y',
       new_message_count = new_message_count + 1
WHERE  user_id = 18;
INSERT INTO dp8_message_recipient(message_id, from_user_id, to_user_id, status)
VALUES (@message_id,42,99,'New');
UPDATE dp8_user_notification
SET    new_message = 'Y',
       new_message_count = new_message_count + 1
WHERE  user_id = 99;
INSERT INTO dp8_message_recipient(message_id, from_user_id, to_user_id, status)
VALUES (@message_id,42,21,'New');
UPDATE dp8_user_notification
SET    new_message = 'Y',
       new_message_count = new_message_count + 1
WHERE  user_id = 21;
INSERT INTO dp8_message_recipient(message_id, from_user_id, to_user_id, status)
VALUES (@message_id,42,62,'New');
UPDATE dp8_user_notification
SET    new_message = 'Y',
       new_message_count = new_message_count + 1
WHERE  user_id = 62;

You can define the table structures used in this example with:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dp8_message_sent;
CREATE TABLE dp8_message_sent(
  user_id     INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  message  VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL,
  created     DATETIME NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY(message_id),
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dp8_message_recipient;
CREATE TABLE dp8_message_recipient(
  message_id     INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  from_user_id     INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  to_user_id     INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  status   ENUM('New','Read','Deleted') NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY(message_id,to_user_id),
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dp8_user_notification;
CREATE TABLE dp8_user_notification(
  new_message ENUM ('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
  new_message_count INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY(user_id)

The average software developer may not see the problem here. In your test environment you executed 12 SQL statements and the code worked fine, i.e. it met the requirements for the function. However, while producing the correct result, this is a poor code approach.

This example shows not one repeating query, but two. Lucky you only sent the message to a few friends. If you sent it to 200 friends, you have a significant number more SQL statements to execute. This time the code executes 402 SQL statements for the same feature. The response time to the user is longer, the application connection has to remain open longer and the database has more work to do.

This popular site is sending thousands of messages per second, so the problem is compounded to produce an excess of unnecessary work, not just for the database, but the application web server connections as their are longer open requests.

The solution is straightforward. Remove repeating queries. It’s not rocket science. This is a simple design practice I teach as the problem is evident on most consulting engagements. Popular products including Drupal and WordPress also implement this poor practice and developers that extend these products propagate this poor practice excessively. If this development approach can be easily found in a few common functions, in it generally a clear indicator this problem can be found throughout the code.

Here is the same operation performed efficiently.

INSERT INTO dp8_message_sent(message_id, user_id, message, created)
VALUES(NULL, 42, 'Hey guys. Just a better reminder. The poker game will start on Friday at 8pm.',NOW());
INSERT INTO dp8_message_recipient(message_id, from_user_id, to_user_id, status)
UPDATE dp8_user_notification
SET    new_message = 'Y',
       new_message_count = new_message_count + 1
WHERE  user_id IN (16,18,99,21,62);

No matter how many friends you send a message to, only 3 SQL statements are executed. In these queries we see two different examples of leveraging the set capabilities of SQL to perform chunk at a time processing. We discuss the benefits of the multi-values INSERT in more detail with DP#10.

Customer Example 2

The following is a simple example for an online store processing function. Your shipping provider provides an update of all packages that were processed by them for a given date. For each packing tracking code that you have recorded with orders they provide a last known status. For example if the package were successfully delivered, is in transit, or has been returned.

A typical and very common developer process is to open the file, read each line looping through all the rows, and for each row perform a single update without using transactions like:

open file
for each line
  UPDATE dp8_order
  SET    last_shipping_status=?, last_shipping_update=?
  WHERE  tracking_code=?;
close file

As the size of data increases so does the processing time because you execute one statement per row. When there are are 10 packages, 10 SQL statements, when there are 300,000 packages, there are 300,000 SQL statements.

This batch process does not have a user response time requirement like online applications where performance is key to retaining your users. However, while eliminating row at a time processing is critical for providing a better user experience it is also just as important for batch processing.

stmt = 'INSERT INTO dp8_batch_tracking (batch_id, tracking_code, status, last_update) VALUES'
sep = ''

open file
for each line
  stmt = stmt + sep + '(42, ?, ?, ?)'
  sep  = ''
close file

UPDATE dp8_order o, dp8_batch_tracking bt
SET    o.last_shipping_status=bt.status, o.last_shipping_update=bt.last_update
WHERE  bt.batch_id = 42
AND    bt.tracking_code = o.tracking_code;
--DELETE FROM batch_tracking WHERE batch_id=42;

This example removes the one query per row problem, and results in just 2 SQL queries for processing the file regardless of size.

NOTE: In MySQL there is a limit to the length of the SQL statement (i.e. The INSERT). This can be adjusted with the max_allowed_packet variable which can be set per SQL statement. If you are processing very large files, the following code would be modified to perform the INSERT for ‘n’ records, however only a single UPDATE is still required. See DP#10 for an example of using max_allowed_packet.

This example shows just one way to optimize this operation with the least amount of code changes to the existing application. An even better approach is to use the LOAD DATA INFILE syntax to populate the batch table directly. This requires additional SQL privileges and file system access and hence is a more complex solution.

Why is the impact of removing these repeating queries so significant? To answer that question we need to look at the anatomy of the execution of an SQL statement.

SQL statement workflow

To the end user viewing your website with a browser, the result of clicking send on a webpage is a [short] delay before the expected results are displayed or the applicable action occurs. Behind the scenes an extensive amount of work is performed. For anybody that has looked at a waterfall chart showing the response from a web server, there is a far greater complexity for rendering the page you are looking at. The following article gives a good introduction to browser waterfall graphs — http://www.webperformancetoday.com/2010/07/09/waterfalls-101/ . While the browser may render 100s of files, it is generally the first response, the actual page that is involved in executing the necessary SQL statements, and the focus of this design practice.

When a HTTP request is made to a web container the application performs a number of operations to satisfy the request and produce a response. With your application, regardless of the programming language, access to the MySQL database is performed by SQL statements. Each statement is passed to the language specific MySQL connector required with your web container. For example, when using the Apache HTTP server and the PHP programming language, the MySQL Native Driver (mysqlnd) is the necessary MySQL Connector. There are connectors for the popular languages including C, C++, Java, .Net, Python, Ruby etc.

Here is a short summarized list of what occurs with all SQL statements.

  1. The application executes an SQL statement.
    • The MySQL client connector accepts the SQL statement then connects across the network to the specified MySQL server and passes the SQL statement to the MySQL server.
      • The MySQL server processes all incoming SQL statements in individual threads, so many SQL statements can be executed concurrently.
        • The MySQL server first parses the SQL statement for valid SQL syntax, and produces a summarized structure of the tables and columns used in the SQL statement.
          • The MySQL server performs a security check to ensure the user that is requesting this SQL statement has the necessary privileges to be able to access/modify the information requested in the SQL statement.
            • The MySQL server then passes the parsed SQL statement to the MySQL query optimizer. This is heart of the decision making process where the cost-based optimizer creates a decision tree, evaluates the various options by pruning the expensive paths to produce the optimal Query Execution Plan (QEP).
              • The MySQL server then passes the QEP to the applicable MySQL storage engine(s) to perform the physical work of storing and/or retrieving the data for the given SQL statement.
                • Depending on the type of query, the MySQL server may have to do additional work, for example to join multiple tables, sort results etc.
                  • When the MySQL server has produced the results for the SQL statement, these results are send back across the network to the application server.

NOTE: This is a simplified representation of the execution path of an SQL statement in MySQL. The use of the MySQL Query Cache discussed in QP#9 introduces additional steps and can also produce a significantly simplified and faster execution path.

To summarize, every SQL statement is passed to the MySQL server, the network overhead of points 2 and 9 are the most expensive amount of time in a well tuned MySQL application. This alone is the greatest reason to run less SQL statements.

Every SQL statement is parsed, checked for application permissions and optimized before execution. This is most applicable for example when combining INSERT statements with multiple VALUES clauses. In addition to saving the network round trip, this overhead is also eliminated by combining SQL statements.

Universal Application

This same principle can be applied to other products that process data. For example, memcache is a popular product to improve performance and scalability of your application by providing a memory caching layer. The following figures are for an example benchmark with 28 objects in memcache using two cloud servers in Rackspace Cloud.

Using an individual get call 28 times sequentially in a single PHP file, simulating a client example, the total response time of the benchmarked ranged from 24 to 56 milliseconds. Using the same configuration with a single multi-get call for the same 28 objects the results ranged from 4 to 7 milliseconds.

It does not require a graph to see the 6x-10x improvement in performance by eliminating row at a time processing. The saving of 20-50 milliseconds may seem small, however when multiplied in environments with thousands of concurrent users, thousands of times per second, has a large impact on resources.


This principle shows a simple technique for reducing the number of SQL statements by eliminate repeating queries. As a goal of “Do Less Work”, this is only one case. DP#16 discusses several other query saving techniques that can eliminate repeating and unwanted queries providing improved performance.

More References

Tagged with: Databases Expert MySQL Design Practices MySQL

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