Installing Mediawiki on Oracle Enterprise Linux LAMP stack

A company wiki can be easily configured in under 10 minutes using Mediawiki the open source LAMP software that powers the top 10 website Wikipedia.

A company wiki is an ideal means for a centralized and user contributed documentation system. The following steps show you how to download, configure and get your Mediawiki site operational.

Software Pre-Requisites

Software Installation

su -
cd /tmp
cd /var/www/html
tar xfz /tmp/mediawiki*.tar.gz
mv mediawiki* wiki
chmod 777 wiki/config

NOTE: You should check the Mediawiki Downloads page for the latest version.

You can now visit http://localhost/wiki and you will be presented with a message of an un-configured Mediawiki environment. You can streamline the MySQL portion of this configuration with the following commands.

mysql -uroot -p -e "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS wikidb;CREATE SCHEMA wikidb"
mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE USER wikiuser @localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'sakila'"
mysql -uroot -p -e "GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,INDEX on wikidb.* TO wikiuser@localhost"

You can now complete the configuration on the Configuration Page. You will need to enter the following information.

  • Wiki name = Example Wiki
  • Contact e-mail = your email address
  • Admin user password = enter password
  • DB password = sakila

After successful installation, one additional step is needed.

mv wiki/config/LocalSettings.php wiki/
chmod 400 wiki/LocalSettings.php
chmod 500 wiki/config

You can now start using your new Wiki at http://localhost/wiki. You will find documentation at the links provided on the displayed home page and also at

MySQL Structures

Looking at the tables that are created by the installation process:

$ mysql -uwikiuser -psakila blog

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_wikidb  |
| archive           |
| category          |
| categorylinks     |
| change_tag        |
| external_user     |
| externallinks     |
| filearchive       |
| hitcounter        |
| image             |
| imagelinks        |
| interwiki         |
| ipblocks          |
| job               |
| l10n_cache        |
| langlinks         |
| log_search        |
| logging           |
| math              |
| objectcache       |
| oldimage          |
| page              |
| page_props        |
| page_restrictions |
| pagelinks         |
| protected_titles  |
| querycache        |
| querycache_info   |
| querycachetwo     |
| recentchanges     |
| redirect          |
| revision          |
| searchindex       |
| site_stats        |
| tag_summary       |
| templatelinks     |
| text              |
| trackbacks        |
| transcache        |
| updatelog         |
| user              |
| user_groups       |
| user_newtalk      |
| user_properties   |
| valid_tag         |
| watchlist         |
45 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT table_name,engine,table_rows FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'wikidb';
| table_name        | engine | table_rows |
| archive           | InnoDB |          0 |
| category          | InnoDB |          0 |
| categorylinks     | InnoDB |          0 |
| change_tag        | InnoDB |          0 |
| external_user     | InnoDB |          0 |
| externallinks     | InnoDB |          0 |
| filearchive       | InnoDB |          0 |
| hitcounter        | MEMORY |          0 |
| image             | InnoDB |          0 |
| imagelinks        | InnoDB |          0 |
| interwiki         | InnoDB |         95 |
| ipblocks          | InnoDB |          0 |
| job               | InnoDB |          0 |
| l10n_cache        | InnoDB |       3686 |
| langlinks         | InnoDB |          0 |
| log_search        | InnoDB |          0 |
| logging           | InnoDB |          0 |
| math              | InnoDB |          0 |
| objectcache       | InnoDB |          2 |
| oldimage          | InnoDB |          0 |
| page              | InnoDB |          1 |
| page_props        | InnoDB |          0 |
| page_restrictions | InnoDB |          0 |
| pagelinks         | InnoDB |          0 |
| protected_titles  | InnoDB |          0 |
| querycache        | InnoDB |          0 |
| querycache_info   | InnoDB |          0 |
| querycachetwo     | InnoDB |          0 |
| recentchanges     | InnoDB |          0 |
| redirect          | InnoDB |          0 |
| revision          | InnoDB |          1 |
| searchindex       | MyISAM |          0 |
| site_stats        | InnoDB |          1 |
| tag_summary       | InnoDB |          0 |
| templatelinks     | InnoDB |          0 |
| text              | InnoDB |          1 |
| trackbacks        | InnoDB |          0 |
| transcache        | InnoDB |          0 |
| updatelog         | InnoDB |          0 |
| user              | InnoDB |          1 |
| user_groups       | InnoDB |          2 |
| user_newtalk      | InnoDB |          0 |
| user_properties   | InnoDB |          0 |
| valid_tag         | InnoDB |          0 |
| watchlist         | InnoDB |          0 |
45 rows in set (0.01 sec)

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Installing WordPress on Oracle Enterprise Linux LAMP stack

A company blog can be easily configured in under 10 minutes using WordPress, a popular open source LAMP product that runs a reported 12+ million blogs including those found at CNN, NY Times, Wall Street Journal (WSJ), ZDNet, MTV, People Magazine, Playstation and eBay.

A company blog is a great way for the dissemination of information to your user base as well as enabling a means of user feedback via comments.

The following steps show you how to download, configure and get your WordPress blog operational.

Software Pre-Requisites

Software Installation

su -
cd /tmp
cd /var/www/html
tar xfz /tmp/latest.tar.gz
mv wordpress blog

You can now visit http://localhost/blog and you will be presented with a message of an un-configured WordPress environment. You can streamline the MySQL portion of this configuration with the following commands.

cd blog
sed -e "s/database_name_here/blog/;s/username_here/blog_user/;s/password_here/sakila/" wp-config-sample.php > wp-config.php
mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE SCHEMA blog"
mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE USER blog_user @localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'sakila'"
mysql -uroot -p -e "GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE on blog.* TO blog_user@localhost"

Returning now to http://localhost/blog you simply only need to specify a Title, password and email address, click Save and your Blog at http://localhost/blog is complete and operational.

MySQL Structures

Looking at the tables that are created by the installation process:

$ mysql -ublog_user -psakila blog

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_blog        |
| wp_commentmeta        |
| wp_comments           |
| wp_links              |
| wp_options            |
| wp_postmeta           |
| wp_posts              |
| wp_term_relationships |
| wp_term_taxonomy      |
| wp_terms              |
| wp_usermeta           |
| wp_users              |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT table_name,engine,table_rows FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'blog';
| table_name            | engine | table_rows |
| wp_commentmeta        | MyISAM |          0 |
| wp_comments           | MyISAM |          1 |
| wp_links              | MyISAM |          7 |
| wp_options            | MyISAM |        109 |
| wp_postmeta           | MyISAM |          1 |
| wp_posts              | MyISAM |          2 |
| wp_term_relationships | MyISAM |          8 |
| wp_term_taxonomy      | MyISAM |          2 |
| wp_terms              | MyISAM |          2 |
| wp_usermeta           | MyISAM |         13 |
| wp_users              | MyISAM |          1 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Additional References

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How do I create a simple MySQL database

I was asked this question recently “I am wanting to create a simple MySQL database consisting of 5 tables”?

While it’s easy to tell people to RTFM, the question does warrant an answer for the MySQL beginner to provide a more specific guidance as to where to start, and what to do. As a expert in MySQL it’s easy to forget how you would describe what to do. Here are my tips to getting started.

Step 1. Download the MySQL 5.1 software for your platform (e.g. Linux, Windows, Mac etc) from MySQL 5.1 Downloads. There are many different versions of MySQL, MySQL 5.1 is the current production version.

Step 2. You will need to install the MySQL software. The MySQL reference manual is the place to go, Chapter 2 describes installing MySQL. You can also download a copy of the manual in various different formats at MySQL Documentation. This is also valuable for the time when the documentation may be be unavailable online.

Step 3. Download a GUI tool to help you in the design of your first MySQL Tables. There are a number of products available to do this, the MySQL Query Browser and WebYog are just two examples. If your bold, you can use the mysql client command line tool and use the CREATE TABLE command to create your table structures.

MySQL by itself is ineffective for producing a client facing end result unless you have an application purpose and therefore a general application to access the data in MySQL. Using a LAMP/WAMP stack is a good place to start. XAMPP is a good cross platform program that gives you MySQL and a PHP technology stack. You also get PhpMyAdmin included with XAMPP which is a good web based design tool. I don’t mention earlier because it needs a running php/apache/mysql environment. If you elect to start with this stack, then you don’t need to install any GUI tools.

Finally, there a wealth of knowledge, not at least the MySQL Forums and the #mysql channel on which can be good places to get free beginner information.


This product is no longer available. This was created over 6 years ago and software is too out of date.

As I discussed earlier in A picture can tell a thousand words, I outlined briefly what the intention of UltimateLAMP was for. Let me spill the beans so to speak.

What is UltimateLAMP?

UltimateLAMP is a fully functional environment allowing you to easily try and evaluate a number of LAMP stack software products without requiring any specific setup or configuration of these products. UltimateLAMP runs as a Virtual Machine with VMware Player (FREE). This demonstration package also enables the recording of all user entered information for later reference, indeed you will find a wealth of information already available within a number of the Product Recommendations starting with the supplied Documentation.

My executive punch line with the “right” buzz words is:

You have heard of all the hype in Open Source with lowering Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) or Total Economic Impact (TEI)? Evaluate Open Source now
in your organistion at no cost or risk with this software package.

What are the uses for UltimateLAMP?

Well, in a nutshell UltimateLAMP allows for instant exposure of Open Source products that use MySQL. You have to remember my goal here is to promote MySQL. Unfortunately, as with any database the features alone will not get the new sale, it’s the applicability to an organisation, and with Open Source the wealth of existing and developing applications that exist can. I don’t necessarily like this approach. Indeed many open source products are poorly designed and can be poor choices in a large scale enterprise solution, but the flip side is, where else can you start.

The benefits of selling a MediaWiki for example due to the success and scalability with Wikipedia is great. So it’s important that the product list includes proven products and currently developing products (rather then stale ones). This is something that the community can definitely provide valuable feedback on to help in this selection.

Other then becoming a CD used as a drink coaster, I feel the potential is here already to provide a copy to people, even install it on a managers computer. You can’t break the software, so why not install it for your non-computer user friends/family. The goal is to move up to executive management however I feel the exposure to the general community first will greatly help.

How it came about

There is some history to this idea. Here are some of the highlights.

  • Late 2005, several planning sessions with Jon and Morgan about a more practical Open Source Contribution user group lead to obviously LAMP stack products for simplicity and exposure. This lead to exposure of LAMP stack products to more of the general person and split from the original intended goal, but was a great idea.
  • Early 2006, futher discussions of how MySQL could get exposure and traction into organisations. For myself professional, how could I promote in industry sectors that I work in.
  • In April 2006, the MySQL Users Conference with discussions of this idea with others and the positive feedback
  • In May 2006, the VMware Appliance Challenge was the possible exposure and deadline needed for me to “Just Do It”. Originally the idea was intended as a Live CD, but in some ways a virtual machine is just as good.

Where to from now!

Well, supply and demand. I don’t know if anybody else has a particular use, or will even download to use it, or market it.

I could see the potential for MySQL User Groups to get behind my idea, and enable members to filter this into known organisations. I could see for targeted opportunities/events, CD’s or information could be distributed. With the support and backing of MySQL AB, I could see the opportunity for even a breakfast CEO/CTI/CIO introduction or other format of meeting the ultimate intended audience.

I could see the potential that an organisation or entity could provide free hosting (30 days) to an organisation that pointed a 3rd level domain to the provider (e.g. It’s like the honeypot, if it takes off after 30 days, the company will either want to pay for hosting, or what to move it. And that’s also fine, organisation provides a MySQL dump, and links to documented installation instructions, or perhaps a sale of services for initial installation/customisation/training can be made.

What can I do?

There is always a list of things that can be done. For now the greatest thing I can ask for is feedback. The good, the bad and the ugly. It’s find to get the comments to say, “That’s great”, or “Good job” or “I can use this”, it’s just as important to get the comments that are proactive in what’s not good. I would value any feedback. Please feel free to Download UltimateLAMP

On my immediate ToDo List or even partially complete is:

  • Document VMPlayer installation instructions for Windows/Linux (partial).
  • Add more product sample content.
  • Add more mediawiki content about the product, like customisation options, references to specific documentation, or other online working examples.
  • Documenting the installation/creation instructions for individual products.
  • Figure out a better way for users to contribute content that get’s rolled back into the Virtual Machines. For the mediawiki, I could see a public online copy, but for other products it could become harder
  • Optimise VM image (removing unnecessary OS stuff), removing product language support (not ideal), but my goal is to provide a 2 CD pack. The first CD has VMplayer in Win/Linux/RPM formats and the default VMware BrowserAppliance (All software from VMWare). The second CD is UltimateLAMP. Combined in a DVD 2x case along with perhaps a small booklet of a few pages, would enable this product to potential move to a commercial state.
  • Investigating other products

Should anybody wishing to help, leave a comment, that way I can see somebody is reading this and so can others.

Related Post:

UltimateLAMP Passwords