The confusion over global and session status

I was trying to demonstrate to a client how to monitor queries that generate internal temporary tables. With an EXPLAIN plan you see ‘Creating temporary’. Within MySQL you can use the SHOW STATUS to look at queries that create temporary tables.

There is the issue that the act of monitoring impacts the results, SHOW STATUS actually creates a temporary table. You can see in this example.

mysql> select version();
| version()       |
| 5.1.31-1ubuntu2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 48    |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 155   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 48    |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 156   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What has perplexed me in the past, and I can’t explain is that SHOW SESSION STATUS for this example does not increment. It’s confusing to tell a client to use SHOW SESSION STATUS for SQL statements, but the behavior is different with SHOW GLOBAL STATUS. For example, no increment.

mysql> show session status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 0     |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 2     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show session status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 0     |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 2     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Let’s look at a query that creates a temporary table.

mysql> explain select t1.* from t1,t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c2 order by t2.c2, t1.c1;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL |    3 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t2    | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL |    3 | Using where; Using join buffer  |
2 rows in set (0.03 sec)

If we use session status we get an increment of 1.

mysql> show session status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 0     |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 2     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show session status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 0     |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 2     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select SQL_NO_CACHE t1.* from t1,t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c2 order by t2.c2, t1.c1;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show session status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 0     |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 3     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If we use global status, in this case it’s and idle server so I know there is no other activity, however in a real world situation that isn’t possible.

mysql> show global status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 48    |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 171   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select SQL_NO_CACHE t1.* from t1,t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c2 order by t2.c2, t1.c1;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global status like 'created_tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 48    |
| Created_tmp_files       | 5     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 173   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Benchmarking Drizzle with MyBench(DBD::drizzle)

With thanks to Patrick Galbraith and his DBD::drizzle 0.200 I am now able to test client benchmarks side by side with MySQL and Drizzle.

For simple benchmarking with clients, generally when I have little time, I use a simple Perl framework mybench. I was able to change just the connection string and run tests.

The diff of my two scripts where:

> my $user      = $opt{u} || "appuser";
> my $pass      = $opt{p} || "password";
> my $port      = $opt{P} || 3306;
> my $dsn       = "DBI:mysql:$db:$host;port=$port";
< my $user      = $opt{u} || "root";
< my $pass      = $opt{p} || "";
< my $port      = $opt{P} || 4427;
< my $dsn       = "DBI:drizzle:$db:$host;port=$port";

It's too early to tell what improvement Drizzle will make. Just running my first test with single and multi thread tests shows an improvement in all figures in Drizzle via MySQL, however I will need to run this on various different versions of MySQL including the latest 5.0 to confirm.

MiFi Installation woes

As I mentioned in MiFi Introduction I took the plunge and purchased a Verizon MiFi. I got this under a 2 year contract for $149.99 and $59.99 per month for 5GB of traffic.

While happy to have a new tech toy, the installation and use of, well that was a painful experience I’d rather not have to endure. Unfortunately I didn’t document all steps with screen shots so I will need to describe what I have.

While it stated the device worked with a Mac, it was clearly not as simple as the instructions stated.

  1. The first problem is, you can’t use the device until you activate it. You can’t activate it unless you already have Internet Access.
  2. The Tips, hits and shortcuts manual also states “VZAccess Manager Installation”, … connect device …, VZAccess installer auto-launches and the drivers will install automatically. You have to read one page further before you get “Mac customers are not required to use VZAccess Manager to use their device”. First, you do have to install the software to use the device (for the first time), there seems no way around that, and second, it does not auto-launch.
  3. Trying to install I read the instructions, “connect to a USB Port, … auto-launches”. This doesn’t happen. Opening in Finder, hoping for an attached device no luck? Now what.
  4. One page further, under Mac OS/X Users, the section that states “not required to use…” also includes a point stating that activation requires MAC OS X 10.4.0 or higher and WWAN Support Update 1.0. It would be nice if you included this as Pre-Requistes in your documentation so it reads chronologically. The docs state this is a free download.
  5. So I downloaded WWAN Support Update 1.0 from the apple web site, got to run it, and it states “Alert: This computer cannot use this update”. What the. I did between my first two attempts to connect to the device, and now run a Software Update, so guessing it was in this because I know no easy way to confirm installed software on a Mac, I truck on.
  6. The Important MiFI 2220 Connection Information
  7. page, shown below states you can access the MiFi Admin Portal at See Exhibit 1 below. I try that and I get the admin page, and it states “Not Activated”. Did the store not activate the device, or is my attempt to blunder through these steps not correct

  8. Being frustrated I try Verizon Phone Support, the number 1800 922 0204, conveniently absent from the docs FYI. The automated system asks are you a customer, yes I am, what is your number? Well my number is on AT&T, this is just a broadband device, not a phone, trying that doesn’t work. Then trying to get out of the automated system to get an operator an ordeal. Finally a real person.
  9. Real person asks, what is your number, I explain the same story, then I decide to grab the receipt from the store, and I find in small print, under the device name on the receipt a number? Is that my number? I give that and lone behold, that’s the Cell number for the device. Would be nice if they told you that.
  10. I explain my problem, and I’m put on hold, and hold a second time, and more hold a third time to talk to a more technical person.
  11. During this time, I go back over the steps I undertook and lone behold, there is now a device in my Finder. See Exhibit 2. Did it take like 10 mins to find it or what? Perplexing. So while waiting for a tech person, I move on.
  12. I see VZAccess Manager install package, I take this route, and following system reboot on the Mac, the software auto starts, and I’m prompted with the VZAccess Manager screen, See Exhibit 3.
  13. In fine print down the bottom, Activation required. Nice if that was in big letters on first usage of software. A few menu buttons on the top, and a Connect WWan button bottom right. Again, lack of clear UI here.
  14. Clicking Connect WWAN goes though a number of steps, which unfortunately I didn’t keep, but at the end, I finally get an I’m activated message.
  15. To get the device working however, there was also some pain. I had to disconnect my Internet connect, disable Wireless, and talk to the device directly via USB. I could then confirm I could access the Internet. I then had to remove the USB, enable Wireless and connect to get it to communicate via wireless. The activation process needed the USB connection.
  16. I’m finally online, now the need to plug this into my network. The device has an Admin portal at The first pain, I can’t access this because my Internal network, and multiple devices runs from my router at the same address. Seeing no way around this, I have to reconfigure my internal network, which was a pain. No I can access the Admin Portal. My goal is to change SSID, change password that’s printed on multiple pieces of paper, and also change the address.
  17. On the admin portal, an input box, and button for Login. See Exhibit 4. Nothing in the documentation on this login box, the Verizon tech didn’t know any information about this, so while they were researching I started randomly choosing logins. It was weird that the input was a password protected input (e.g. *****) and there was no username/password. I try the WiFi Password, seems to get truncated. I try admin and lone behold I’m logged in. That’s about as insecure as having nothing.
  18. After all this, I’m finally able to configure the device. See Exhibit 5. I trust it will work when I’m next on the road. Documentation get’s a fail, it’s unclear and incomplete. There needs to be clear and seperate sections for Windows and Mac OS/X, and it needs to detail the installation process correctly and clearly, and probably with some screen prints. I’m not a novice user, and I had difficulty with this process.

Exhibit 1 – Important Information Page

Exhibit 2 – VZAccess Manager Finder

Exhibit 3 – VZAccess Manager

Exhibit 4 – MiFi Administration Portal Login

Exhibit 5 – MiFi Administration Change Password

MiFi Introduction

My first news of the Verizon MiFi was via Twitter when @DonMacAskill said “Think my iPhone 3G via MiFi is faster than AT&T 3G. Should I carry both all the time now?”

A few reviews later such as Verizon Mifi: Personal Wi-Fi Coming this Month and Verizon MiFI a personal broadband bubble to believe in but this on my to buy tech list. I presently have a Generation 1 Day 1 iPhone, so no 3G there.

In summary, this device is the size of 5 credit cards, weighs not much more then 5 credit cards and enables 3G Wireless broadband access on the Verizon network, and also doubles as a WiFi router for up to 5 other devices.

I have been procrastinating about getting one, the combination to do urgent work at midnight on the AirTrain and NY Subway (the above ground part), and then the following day on a client site when the internet was flaky convinced me to get one.

The purchase process was relatively straightforward, except the usual credit check woes for an Australian living in this country. The installation and use, well that’s another painful story to share.

Using statpack with SHOW STATUS

Mark Leith, on of the MySQL Support Team managers wrote some time ago a very nice utility I use often called Statpack.

My use of Statpack is very simple. Take two snaphots of SHOW GLOBAL STATUS and compare to produce a text based version of the statistics.

Over time I’ve grown to love it’s simplicity, but notice a number of shortcomings. Being open source there is always the ability to modify, improve and give back. This post is more about detailing those little annoyances that I’d like to improve, or see improved. It is also a means to collate points into one location that I often forget about over time.

I welcome any input, and specifically help in this open source venture.

Here is my wish list that I can currently remember. I do plan to action, time permitting.

  1. In Statement Activity, the total percentages are great to determine Read/Write ratio, however the ratio is for the Total, not for the period. I’m not sure how best to present, but would be good to know. See Exhibit 1 for a good example.
  2. When sections are not used, e.g. all ZERO values, then suppress for ease of reading. See Exhibit 2 for examples of Prepared Statements and Query Cache, where a simple line like No Prepared Statements activity, or Query Cache not enabled.
  3. Incorporating SHOW VARIABLES output. If this is included in one file, then adding some information may be very valuable when reviewing these audit files. For example in the InnoDB Buffer Pool show innodb_buffer_pool_size. In InnoDB Log Files show innodb_log_file_size, innodb_log_files_in_group, innodb_log_buffer_size. This can be used in most sections. See Exhibit 3 for an example.
  4. Incorporate a Date/Time in the report output. Again for historical purposes, at worst it could be the time the output is generated, however this is only an approximation. With SHOW GLOBAL STATUS output from my monitoring I include the following line before each SHOW STATUS output. ‘| date_time | 090611.161511 |’. Note to Drizzle Development team, please add date/time output to SHOW GLOBAL STATUS and SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES.
  5. Negative numbers. There are occurrences when negative numbers occur, due to the wrapping of status numbers. See Exhibit 4 for example.
  6. Bug I’ve raised about divide by zero error when the same file (operator error) is specified.

Exhibit 1 – Percentages on Period/Total

                     SELECT:           56,019                    28.11              281,456,428 (41.00%)
                     INSERT:          420,083                   210.78              325,218,748 (47.38%)
                     UPDATE:               46                     0.02                  138,206 (0.02%)
                     DELETE:           48,590                    24.38               79,170,553 (11.53%)

Exhibit 2 – Suppress sections

                                        Prepared Statements

   Prepared Statement Count:                0                     0.00                        0
                    PREPARE:                0                     0.00                        0
                    EXECUTE:                0                     0.00                        0
         DEALLOCATE PREPARE:                0                     0.00                        0
           Fetch Roundtrips:                0                     0.00                        0
             Send Long Data:                0                     0.00                        0

                                            Query Cache

       QCache Hits / SELECT:           0.00%
   QCache Hit/Qcache Insert:           0.00%
  Qcache Hits/Invalidations:           0.00%
                    SELECTs:       13,503,876                 3,798.56            4,298,170,239
           Query Cache Hits:                0                     0.00                        0
        Query Cache Inserts:                0                     0.00                        0
         Queries Not Cached:                0                     0.00                        0
    Cache Low Memory Prunes:                0                     0.00                        0
         Total Cache Blocks:                0                     0.00                        0
           Queries In Cache:                0                     0.00                        0
          Cache Free Blocks:                0                     0.00                        0

Exhibit 3 – Including Variables

                                         InnoDB Buffer Pool

Variables: innodb_buffer_pool_size = 10G, innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M, innodb_file_per_table

Buffer Pool Read Efficiency:          99.89%
                  Data Read:              17G                                            4,892G
               Data Written:              29M                                            6,167G

                                          InnoDB Log Files

Variables: innodb_log_file_size=256M; innodb_log_files_in_group=2;innodb_log_buffer_size=1M;innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2

           Log Data Written:               1G                                              327G
                 Log Writes:            4,756                     1.34                1,785,842
         Log Write Requests:        4,195,878                 1,180.28              773,981,459
                  Log Waits:                0                     0.00                       13

Exhibit 4- Negative Numbers

                                            Index Usage

           Index Efficiency:           51.09%
           Full Index Scans:            7,056                     0.08                  142,549
           Full Table Scans:          191,051                     2.21                4,739,205
            Full Join Scans:              374                     0.00                    9,601
         Handler_read_first:            7,056                     0.08                  142,549 (0.00%)
           Handler_read_key:      136,956,475                 1,585.20            3,698,727,203 (47.29%)
          Handler_read_next:       55,431,938                   641.60              290,189,865 (3.71%)
          Handler_read_prev:          210,418                     2.44                7,283,443 (0.09%)
           Handler_read_rnd:       58,241,824                   674.12            1,862,365,188 (23.81%)
      Handler_read_rnd_next:   -1,682,312,703               -19,471.89            1,963,342,385 (25.10%)

A Full output Example

              Uptime: 17 days 17 hours 22 mins Snapshot Period 1: 59 minute interval
                    Variable	Delta/Percentage 	    Per Second			  Total
                                         Database Activity

          Threads Connected:               -5                                               115
            Threads Running:               -4                                                51
                  Questions:       24,190,027                 6,804.51            7,366,339,778
             Bytes Recieved:               1G                     501K                     522G
                 Bytes Sent:              11G                       3M                   2,808G
            Aborted Clients:                0                     0.00                      237
           Aborted Connects:              240                     0.07                  102,090

                                         Statement Activity

                     SELECT:       13,503,876                 3,798.56            4,298,170,239 (94.25%)
                     INSERT:           91,101                    25.63               25,327,062 (0.56%)
                     UPDATE:          782,004                   219.97              220,640,296 (4.84%)
                     DELETE:            9,674                     2.72                2,485,643 (0.05%)
                    REPLACE:                0                     0.00                    4,980 (0.00%)
          INSERT ... SELECT:                0                     0.00                        0 (0.00%)
         REPLACE ... SELECT:                0                     0.00                        0 (0.00%)
               Multi UPDATE:                0                     0.00                        0 (0.00%)
               Multi DELETE:                0                     0.00                        0 (0.00%)
                     COMMIT:           46,422                    13.06               13,700,478 (0.30%)
                   ROLLBACK:                0                     0.00                       13 (0.00%)

                                        Prepared Statements

   Prepared Statement Count:                0                     0.00                        0
                    PREPARE:                0                     0.00                        0
                    EXECUTE:                0                     0.00                        0
         DEALLOCATE PREPARE:                0                     0.00                        0
           Fetch Roundtrips:                0                     0.00                        0
             Send Long Data:                0                     0.00                        0

                                           Admin Commands

                       KILL:                0                     0.00                       21
                      FLUSH:                0                     0.00                       34
              ANALYZE TABLE:                0                     0.00                        0
             OPTIMIZE TABLE:                0                     0.00                        0
                CHECK TABLE:                0                     0.00                       51
               REPAIR TABLE:                0                     0.00                        0

                                            Thread Cache

          Thread Efficiency:           100.00%
                Connections:        2,404,601                   676.40              691,324,391
            Threads Created:                0                     0.00                    1,015

                                            Table Cache

     table_cache Efficiency:           12.94%
                Open Tables:               18                     0.01                    1,100
              Opened Tables:               18                     0.01                    8,501

                                          MyISAM Key Cache

      Cache Read Efficiency:           75.56%
     Cache Write Efficiency:           2.50%
                Memory Used:               0B                                               24B
                Memory Free:               0B                                               13K
                  Key Reads:                0                     0.00                       44
          Key Read Requests:                0                     0.00                      179
                 Key Writes:                0                     0.00                       39
         Key Write Requests:                0                     0.00                       39
         Blocks Not Flushed:                0                     0.00                        0

                                         InnoDB Buffer Pool

Buffer Pool Read Efficiency:          99.89%
               Memory Total:               0B                                               11G
                Memory Free:               0B                                                0B
                Memory Data:     -12,910,592B                                               10G
               Memory Dirty:             245M                                                3G
                  Data Read:              17G                                            4,892G
               Data Written:              29M                                            6,167G
          Buffer Pool Reads:          864,166                   243.08              234,058,329
  Buffer Pool Read Requests:      674,921,081               189,851.22          213,974,254,498
 Buffer Pool Write Requests:       34,337,556                 9,658.95            5,907,928,452

                                          InnoDB Log Files

           Log Data Written:               1G                                              327G
                 Log Writes:            4,756                     1.34                1,785,842
         Log Write Requests:        4,195,878                 1,180.28              773,981,459
                  Log Waits:                0                     0.00                       13

                                            Query Cache

       QCache Hits / SELECT:           0.00%
   QCache Hit/Qcache Insert:           0.00%
  Qcache Hits/Invalidations:           0.00%
                    SELECTs:       13,503,876                 3,798.56            4,298,170,239
           Query Cache Hits:                0                     0.00                        0
        Query Cache Inserts:                0                     0.00                        0
         Queries Not Cached:                0                     0.00                        0
    Cache Low Memory Prunes:                0                     0.00                        0
         Total Cache Blocks:                0                     0.00                        0
           Queries In Cache:                0                     0.00                        0
          Cache Free Blocks:                0                     0.00                        0

                                            Index Usage

           Index Efficiency:           96.38%
           Full Index Scans:                0                     0.00                    3,685
           Full Table Scans:           26,468                     7.45                9,336,473
            Full Join Scans:                0                     0.00                        0
         Handler_read_first:                0                     0.00                    3,685 (0.00%)
           Handler_read_key:       60,313,973                16,965.96           18,840,285,973 (14.08%)
          Handler_read_next:      284,810,290                80,115.41          109,257,639,924 (81.68%)
          Handler_read_prev:        2,524,541                   710.14              822,756,210 (0.62%)
           Handler_read_rnd:       10,268,347                 2,888.42            3,230,517,410 (2.42%)
      Handler_read_rnd_next:          780,215                   219.47            1,612,883,644 (1.21%)

                                          Temporary Space

  tmp_table_size Efficiency:           2.10%
         Memory Temp Tables:           26,467                     7.45                9,335,030
           Disk Temp Tables:           25,951                     7.30                9,138,705
                 Temp Files:                2                     0.00                      601

                                          Lock Contention

    Percent of Locks Waited:            0.00%
         Table Locks Waited:                0                     0.00                      230
      Table Locks Immediate:       14,411,359                 4,053.83            4,555,498,747


                Rows Sorted:          790,892                   222.47              251,683,065
                 Sort Range:            3,767                     1.06                  983,825
                  Sort Scan:           25,952                     7.30                9,137,325
          Sort Merge Passes:                1                     0.00                      298
           Full Range Joins:                0                     0.00                        0

The value of multi insert values

Baron got a great amount of response from his 50 things to know before migrating Oracle to MySQL. I’m glad I invited him as a fellow MySQL colleague to my presentation to the Federal Government on Best Practices for Migrating to MySQL from Oracle and SQL Server for his inspiration.

Oracle will always be a more featured product then MySQL. There are however features that MySQL has that Oracle does not. While I’ve got a draft of a list of my own, I have several hundred incomplete drafts.

One of these features I was able to demonstrate to a client is the ability to have multiple VALUES clauses for a single INSERT statement. For example.

INSERT INTO t1(c1) VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5);

Instead of


Does it make a difference? What is the performance improvement?

The number one reason for an improvement in performance is the lack of network latency for each command. We ran a number of tests in a specific example for the client, taking multiple single insert statements, and combining into combined statements.

We ran tests across localhost and also a network test.

It was found that taking several thousand INSERT queries and combined into a maximum of 1M packets made sense. Overall this single test showed a 88% improvement from 11.4 seconds to 1.4 seconds.

real        0m11.403s
user        0m0.175s
sys         0m0.157s

real        0m1.415s
user        0m0.019s
sys         0m0.012s

In the real world example, differences in the volumes of query to combine and system load showed a reduction of 72%

What is max_tmp_tables?

Recently I came across another configuration option I’d not heard of before. I profess to not know them all, however I do know when I find something unusual. If you are a beginner DBA, learn what is normal and expected, and identify what is out of the normal, investigate, research and question if necessary.

I gave away a MySQL Administrator’s Book based on seeing a configuration with safe-show-database, an option I’d not seen before, and then requesting people giving basic configuration options in that situation.

The latest is max_tmp_tables. So, what does the manual say for this option. I quote:

The maximum number of temporary tables a client can keep open at the same time. (This option does not yet do anything.)

If this option doesn’t yet do anything, why is it there? Does it actually do something and the documentation is misrepresenting the option? Did it provide some feature or functionality before?

I know MySQL has a number of features where are not fully featured or even production strength in a production environment. This makes me wonder how many more parameters, options or features exist but don’t actual do anything or work as designed!

I then also question where organizations or people come up with using these options when the basic required options are not in place. Sometimes just using the basics is the best practice to start with.

O'Reilly Twitter Boot Camp a success

The first O’Reilly Twitter Boot Camp#OTBC was held in New York as a pre cursor to 140 Characters Conference#140conf on Monday 15th June, 2009.

With opening and closing keynotes were like matching bookends of The Twitter Book #twitterbook offered to all attendees and authored by the keynoters @timoreilly and @SarahM.

Attendees came from across the country. Just a few I spoke with coming from LA – @EricMueller of @FLWbooks, Texas – @marlaerwin , Vancouver – HootSuite, Las Vegas -zappos, Boston – @mvolpe , Philadelphia, @SBrownCCI from Cincinnati and @sticky_mommy from Vermont.

The demographics of attendees was a little different from my usual O’Reilly conferences of MySQL, OSCON and Web 2.0. There were less the half the attendees with laptops at hand for notes & twittering, offset by the high blackberry or should I say shaq-berry users (Thanks Ami @digitalroyalty), easily seen from the back of the steep and dark auditorium. A greater proportion of different industries and gender lead to many questions and discussions from users, not just technologists.

The morning panel sessions afforded no question time due to speakers providing good but overtime content. Over lunch Mike Volpe of HubSpot a corporate sponsor for the day set the standard by asking his panel of speakers to stick on time. This afforded almost 30 minutes of question time and a roar of approval from the crowd.

There is a lot of valuable information you can find by Twitter Search of #OTBC. A few examples include:

  • @archivesnext: Good advice: RT @mpedson RT @timoreilly: Twitter usage policy from @zappos at #OTBC: “Just be real and use your best judgement.”
  • @GeekGirlCamp: Hmmmm. Lots of conflicting views on following on Twitter here. What makes YOU follow someone? Would love to know… #OTBC
  • @CarriBugbee: ROI is a tricky thing on twitter; if you’re using it solely to generate revenue, you might be there for the wrong reason – @wholefoods #otbc
  • @mvolpe: “Driving ROI on Twitter” slides and video of my presentation later today for #OTBC –
  • @ronaldbradford: Best Practices for Twitter – Build a commercial-grade profile. @CarriBugbee at #OTBC
  • @journalismgal: Ask questions within your tweets even something as simple as your fab apple #otbc
  • @ronaldbradford: Do stay tuned in. Nights, weekends, holidays are all twitter time. Maria Erwin @wholefoods at #OTBC
  • @harrybrelsford: Is Twitter the new Google? That is belief of @erictpeterson Twitter is creating entire new businesses (Flash Light books) #otbc #smbnation

My individual brands of @ronaldbradford and @MySQLExpert will certainly benefit from a wealth of knowledge of the day. If only I had my Twitter name on the tee shirt I was wearing for the event.

The only down sides to the venue the lack of power for attendees, flaky Internet and a basement auditorium with no cell phone service. Important things to re-consider for a online technology conference. In true form the attendees including myself @ronaldbradford, @SBrownCCI, @GeekGirlCamp, @14str8 used the medium of the conference and our voices were heard and some limited power made available. Thanks O’Reilly for listening.

Thank you to all speakers @katmeyer, @timoreilly, @steverubel, @zappos, @carribugbee, @twittermoms, @flwbooks, @davidjdeal, @bethharte, @dunkindonuts, @reggiebradford, @wholefoods, @tedmurphy, @adbroad, @digitalroyalty, @erictpeterson, @mvolpe, @laureltouby, @sarahm and to for the after event happy hour.

Wafflecloud with cream

I have been working recently with Matt Yonkovit to get Waffle Grid cloud enabled with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

An initial version of Waffle Grid Cream – Version 0.5 release is now available.

We have elected to create one AMI for now, that is ready to be configured as either a MySQL Server, a memcached server, or as in the following example both. For this first version, we have also not configured MySQL or memcache, but rather provide a virgin Waffle Grid ready server for developers to experiment and benchmark with.

Future releases will include custom AMI’s and the automated ability to register new memcached servers with the Waffle Grid enabled MySQL server.

Instance Creation

We assume you have created an EC2 account and are using one of the many tools available to launch images.

The AMI you want to launch is ami-0575936c. This is an Ubunut Intrepid 8.10 32bit small instance, and includes MySQL 5.4.0 beta and Memcache 1.4.0 RC1.


$ ssh -i [key] ubuntu@ec2-[hostname]
$ ps -ef | grep -e "mysql" - "memcached"
$ memcached -m 1024 -p 11211 -u nobody -l -d
$ memstat -s localhost
$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start


$ mysql -uroot -e "SELECT VERSION"
$ mysql -uroot -e "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUSG"

The Innodb Status shows a new section.

Memcached puts    0
Memcached hits    0
Memcached misses  0
Memcached Prefix:  3576


$ mysql -uroot -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM"
$ mysql -uroot -e "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUSG"
$ memcached -s localhost

Verification will show the change of information in the INNODB STATUS output.

Memcached puts    4
Memcached hits    0
Memcached misses  4
Memcached Prefix:  3576
Memcached Miss Total Lat 103 (us)
Memcached Miss Recent Lat 103 (us)
Memcached Set Total Lat 760 (us)
Memcached Set Recent Lat 760 (us)

You can also confirm stats in memcached.

$memstat -s localhost
Listing 1 Server

Server: localhost (11211)
        pid: 3453
        uptime: 575
        time: 1245013741
        version: 1.4.0-rc1
        pointer_size: 32
        rusage_user: 0.0
        rusage_system: 0.0
        curr_items: 5
        total_items: 5
        bytes: 82265
        curr_connections: 6
        total_connections: 9
        connection_structures: 7
        cmd_get: 4
        cmd_set: 5
        get_hits: 0
        get_misses: 4
        evictions: 0
        bytes_read: 82265
        bytes_written: 82265
        limit_maxbytes: 1073741824
        threads: 5

multi-threaded memcached

I discovered while compiling Wafflegrid today that by default, the Ubuntu binaries for memcached are not-multithreaded.

Following the installation of memcached from apt-get and libmemcached I ran memslap for:

$ memslap -s localhost
    Threads connecting to servers 1
    Took 1.633 seconds to load data

$ memstat -s localhost
Listing 1 Server

Server: localhost (11211)
     pid: 23868
     uptime: 54
     time: 1244575816
     version: 1.2.2
     pointer_size: 32
     rusage_user: 0.90000
     rusage_system: 0.120000
     curr_items: 10000
     total_items: 10000
     bytes: 5430000
     curr_connections: 1
     total_connections: 3
     connection_structures: 2
     cmd_get: 0
     cmd_set: 10000
     get_hits: 0
     get_misses: 0
     evictions: 0
     bytes_read: 5430000
     bytes_written: 5430000
     limit_maxbytes: 0
     threads: 1

By installed the Latest RC 1.4.0 we see.

memslap -s localhost
    Threads connecting to servers 1
    Took 0.866 seconds to load data

memstat -s localhost

Listing 1 Server

Server: localhost (11211)
     pid: 8651
     uptime: 375
     time: 1244577237
     version: 1.4.0-rc1
     pointer_size: 32
     rusage_user: 0.110000
     rusage_system: 0.130000
     curr_items: 10000
     total_items: 10000
     bytes: 5510000
     curr_connections: 5
     total_connections: 8
     connection_structures: 6
     cmd_get: 0
     cmd_set: 10000
     get_hits: 0
     get_misses: 0
     evictions: 0
     bytes_read: 5510000
     bytes_written: 5510000
     limit_maxbytes: 0
     threads: 5

Thanks Matt for pointing that one out.

Problems compiling MySQL 5.4

Seem’s the year Sun had for improving MySQL, and with an entire new 5.4 branch the development team could not fix the autoconf and compile dependencies that has been in MySQL for all the years I’ve been compiling MySQL. Drizzle has got it right, thanks to the great work of Monty Taylor.

I’m working on the Wafflegrid AWS EC2 AMI’s for Matt Yonkovit and while compiling 5.1 was straight forward under Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid, compiling 5.4 was more complicated.

For MySQL 5.1 I needed only to do the following:

apt-get install -y build-essential
apt-get install libncurses5-dev
make install

For MySQL 5.4, I elected to use the BUILD scripts (based on Wafflegrid recommendations). That didn’t go far before I needed.

apt-get install -y automake libtool

You then have to go compiling MySQL 5.4 for 10+ minutes to get an abstract error, then you need to consider what dependencies may be missing.
I don’t like to do a blanket apt-get of a long list of proposed packages unless I know they are actually needed.

The error was:

make[1]: Entering directory `/src/mysql-5.4.0-beta/sql'
make[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
/bin/bash ../ylwrap sql_yacc.yy sql_yacc.h y.output sql_yacc.output -- -d --verbose
make -j 6 gen_lex_hash
make[2]: Entering directory `/src/mysql-5.4.0-beta/sql'
rm -f mini_client_errors.c
/bin/ln -s ../libmysql/errmsg.c mini_client_errors.c
make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
rm -f pack.c
../ylwrap: line 111: -d: command not found
/bin/ln -s ../sql-common/pack.c pack.c
make[1]: Leaving directory `/src/mysql-5.4.0-beta/sql'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

What a lovely error ../ylwrap: line 111: -d: command not found

ylwrap is part of yacc, and by default in this instance it’s not even an installed package. I’ve compiled MySQL long enough that it requires yacc, and actually bison but to you think it would hurt if the configure told the user this.

It’s also been some time since I’ve compiled MySQL source, rather focusing on Drizzle. I had forgotten just how many compile warnings MySQL throws. Granted a warning is not an error, but you should not just ignore them in building a quality product.

Understanding your RAID Configuration

For any production MySQL Database system, running RAID is a given these days. Do you know what RAID your database is? Are you sure?. Ask for quantifiable reproducible output from your systems provider or your System Administrator.

As a consultant I don’t always know the specific tools for the clients deployed H/W, but I ask the question. On more the one occasion the actual result differed from the clients’ perspective or what they were told, and twice I’ve discovered that clients when asked if their RAID was running in a degraded mode, it actually was and they didn’t know.

You can read about various benchmarks at MySQL blogs such as BigDBAHead and MySQL Performance Blog however getting first hand experience of your actually RAID configuration, the H/W and S/W variables is critical to knowing how your technology works. You can then build on this to run your own benchmarks.

Over 50% of my clients run on DELL equipment, most using local storage or shared storage options such as Dell MD1000, Dell MD3000, NetApps or EMC. I’ve had the opportunity to spend a few days looking into the more details of RAID, specifically the DELL PERC 5/i Raid Controllers, and I’ve started a few MySQL Cheatsheets for my own reference that others may also benefit from.

Understanding PERC RAID Controllers gives an overview of using the MegaCLI tools to retrieve valuable information on the Adapter, Physical Drives, Logical Drives and the all important Battery Backed Cache.

There are several Google search results out there about finding the MegaCLI tools, I found them to be all outdated. There is of course other tools including Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (GUI and CLI) and an Open Source project called megactl.

Here is just a summary of a few lines of each that yields valuable information:

Adapter Details

$ /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -AdpAllInfo -aALL

RAID Level Supported             : RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID10, RAID50
Max Stripe Size         : 128kB
Stripe Size                    : 64kB

Physical Details

$ /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -LDPDInfo -aall

Adapter #0
Number of Virtual Disks: 1

RAID Level: Primary-5, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-3
Stripe Size: 64kB
Number Of Drives:4
Default Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
Current Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU

Raw Size: 70007MB [0x88bb93a Sectors]
Inquiry Data: FUJITSU MAY2073RC       D108B363P7305KAU
Inquiry Data: FUJITSU MAY2073RC       D108B363P7305KAJ
Inquiry Data: FUJITSU MAY2073RC       D108B363P7305JSW
Inquiry Data: FUJITSU MAY2073RC       D108B363P7305KB1


$ MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -aALL
  Fully Charged           : Yes
  Discharging             : Yes

BBU Capacity Info for Adapter: 0
Relative State of Charge: 100 %
Absolute State of charge: 88 %
Run time to empty: 65535 Min

BBU Properties for Adapter: 0

Auto Learn Period: 7776000 Sec
Next Learn time: 304978518 Sec

The big detail that was missing was the details in this ouput of the drive speed, such as 7.2K, 10K, 15K. What is the impact? Well that’s the purpose of the next step.

Following this investigation, testing of the RAID configuration with Bonnie++ was performed to determine the likely performance of various configurations, and to test RAID0, RAID1, RAID5 and RAID10.

Further testing that would be nice would include for example RAID 5 with 3 drives verses 4 drives. The speed of the drives, the performance in a degraded situation, and the performance during a disk rebuild.

This still leaves the question about how to test the performance with and without the Battery Backed Cache. You can easily disable this via CLI tools, but testing an actually database test, and pulling the power plug for example with and without would yield some interesting results. More concerning is when Dell specifically discharges the batters, and it takes like 8 hours to recharge. In your production environment you are then running in degraded mode. Disaster always happens at the worse time.

MySQL Book winner – for 5 configuration options

If you had to configure a WordPress MU installation without access to any details of your MySQL Configuration, what would you do?

What top five configuration settings would you use?

I asked the community this question, see For MySQL DBA fame and glory. Prize included and a number of brave soles responded for a chance to win a free copy of MySQL Administrators Bible by MySQL Community She-BA Sheeri Cabral.

There is no perfect answer and of course you would want to set more then five options, however the purpose of the competition was to seek what people would do with limited information and a limited choice of actions to enable people to focus on what is important.

Part of choosing the winner was for those that accurately read the question. There were a number of triggers. These included:

  • Give an answer with five options. That was the question.
  • WordPress MU gives you an indication of the schema size (about 300 tables), the default storage engine of MyISAM, and the technology stack includes PHP.
  • The current MySQL configuration included just two existing options.

What would I do?

If I was asked this question, here is what I’d do.

  1. Demand more information about the H/W the Mysql server running on. I also would do my own physical verification as client description != actual implementation.
  2. Confirm if the server is shared or dedicated.
  4. Get 2 x SHOW GLOBAL STATUS output, separated from some time, e.g. 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour.

Without the above information I’m not really prepared to tune a system in isolation. I’ll spend more time at a later time explaining why.

So my answers for reference.


We have as a pre-cursor to the top 5, the key_buffer_size. The key_buffer_size is used to store MyISAM Indexes, and is assigned as MySQL server startup. Setting this value to large is a waste of space, setting this too small will increase the amount of disk I/O. In this example, the total index space was around 100MB, so setting the value to 384-512M supports adequate growth. The default value for 5.0.67 is 8M. When you read on, see point 5, you may well consider lowering this value.

1. log-bin=/path/to/dir/file-prefix

If you are storing data in a database I’m sure you want to keep it. log-bin is necessary for point in time recovery. Period. You should also specify the actually path, and store this outside of the default MySQL data directory. The default is NOT enabled.

2. myisam_recover = force,backup

MyISAM is not the most optimal storage engine for online systems. This is a much larger discussion however for the stock default WP and general LAMP products we start with MyISAM. Setting myisam_recover will improve one disadvantage of MyISAM and that is the recovery on startup. The default is NOT enabled.

3. query_cache_size = 64M

In absence of greater information, enabling the Query Cache in a generally high read environment is a good starting point. You have the ability to set and unset this dynamically on a running server, so it is easy to remove if performance is not the optimal. You should also not go overboard with the size of the query cache. Start with a modest amount, such as 64M, assess the impact of the QC and re-assess the value. The default is NOT enabled. The Query Cache also uses the variables query_cache_type, which defaults to ON, and query_cache_limit which defaults to 1M.

4. table_cache=1024

The MU part of the WordPress is a trigger that the system will have several hundred tables. Monitoring Opened_tables, and Open_tables is as easy check to determine a more appropriate table_cache value. The default value on 5.0.67 is 64.

5. max_connections=150

This was a difficult choice, the first 4 are obvious for the current environment.

I have to question the reason why max_connections=500. Given that there is no other configuration settings, why would this value be so large. Start with a more realistic figure, such as the default of 150, and monitor max_used_connections, threads_running for a while. A review of the H/W confirmed this is unrealistic, the system has 16GB of RAM, but only a 32bit OS.

Moving forward

Tuning MySQL is not a trivial or simple task. It takes a certain amount of knowledge about the system. Recently I have seen some very unusual MySQL configurations, and I have to pass on this information for all readers and DBA’s.

Gather information about your environment, and the setting in question before making a change. Document this on an internal wiki. It is important, when in a year’s time somebody asks, why did you change this?

The bonus prize was for anybody that questioned the current configuration which only included two parameters.

I had to look up –safe-show-database. No wonder I didn’t know it, Deprecated since 4.0.2. I wonder sometimes when people add uncommon options. Shlomi the only person to at least raise a ? on that on.

And the winner, I had to consider 3 people that had 3 of my 5. Shlomi Noach made such a plea I have to give it to him, and I’ll throw in international shipping.

(Mis)Understanding RAID configuration

Update 8 June 2009
Be sure you to check out some of my research including Understanding your RAID Configuration and Understanding PERC RAID Controllers.

Last week I got caught thinking a MySQL production system wasn’t configured with RAID when it actually was. The following is the Linux dmesg output of 3 different client MySQL servers, where the H/W is all the same, a Dell 2950.

In the first two cases you will see individual references to the internal disks, however in the third you do not. This threw me, but as Matt Yonkovit correctly pointed out to me, the sizes are not standard drive sizes.

A deeper level of understanding via CLI tools, or actually console output would appear necessary to understand the disk configuration in the future.

Nov 2007 – Dell 2950 Running RHEL 4. Note the individual SEAGATE drive details and single sda (70G) and sdb(300G)

scsi0 : LSI Logic SAS based MegaRAID driver
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST973451SS        Rev: SM04
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST973451SS        Rev: SM04
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST973451SS        Rev: SM04
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST973451SS        Rev: SM04
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
usb 4-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2
usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
hub 4-1:1.0: USB hub found
hub 4-1:1.0: 2 ports detected
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST973451SS        Rev: SM04
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST973451SS        Rev: SM04
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST973451SS        Rev: SM04
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
  Vendor: DP        Model: BACKPLANE         Rev: 1.05
  Type:   Enclosure                          ANSI SCSI revision: 05
  Vendor: DELL      Model: PERC 5/i          Rev: 1.03
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
SCSI device sda: 142082048 512-byte hdwr sectors (72746 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
sda: Mode Sense: 1f 00 10 08
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write through w/ FUA
SCSI device sda: 142082048 512-byte hdwr sectors (72746 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
sda: Mode Sense: 1f 00 10 08
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write through w/ FUA
 sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 >
sd 0:2:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda
  Vendor: DELL      Model: PERC 5/i          Rev: 1.03
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
SCSI device sdb: 568328192 512-byte hdwr sectors (290984 MB)
sdb: Write Protect is off
sdb: Mode Sense: 1f 00 10 08
SCSI device sdb: drive cache: write through w/ FUA
SCSI device sdb: 568328192 512-byte hdwr sectors (290984 MB)
sdb: Write Protect is off
sdb: Mode Sense: 1f 00 10 08
SCSI device sdb: drive cache: write through w/ FUA

Oct 2008 – Dell 2950 running Ubuntu 8.04. Note the individual SEAGATE drive details and single sda (600GB)

[   88.069326] scsi0 : LSI Logic SAS based MegaRAID driver
[   88.087755] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     SEAGATE  ST3300656SS      HS09 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[   88.104931] scsi 0:0:1:0: Direct-Access     SEAGATE  ST3300656SS      HS09 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[   88.122079] scsi 0:0:2:0: Direct-Access     SEAGATE  ST3300656SS      HS09 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[   88.139064] scsi 0:0:3:0: Direct-Access     SEAGATE  ST3300656SS      HS09 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[   88.205346] scsi1 : ata_piix
[   88.205387] scsi2 : ata_piix
[   88.205409] ata1: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xfc00 irq 14
[   88.205411] ata2: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xfc08 irq 15
[   88.240207] scsi 0:0:32:0: Enclosure         DP       BACKPLANE        1.05 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[   88.252370] scsi 0:2:0:0: Direct-Access     DELL     PERC 6/i         1.21 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[   88.263532] scsi 0:0:32:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 13
[   88.263547] scsi 0:2:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
[   88.265390] Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
[   88.265671] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] 1169686528 512-byte hardware sectors (598880 MB)
[   88.265700] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[   88.265702] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 1f 00 10 08
[   88.265771] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[   88.266135] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] 1169686528 512-byte hardware sectors (598880 MB)
[   88.266173] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[   88.266175] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 1f 00 10 08
[   88.266232] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[   88.266240]  sda: sda1 sda2 sda3
[   88.270085] sd 0:2:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk

May 2009 – Dell 2950 running RHEL 5. Note no individual drive details, only partition sizes for sda (300G) and sdb (600G).

scsi0 : LSI Logic SAS based MegaRAID driver
  Vendor: DP        Model: BACKPLANE         Rev: 1.05
  Type:   Enclosure                          ANSI SCSI revision: 05
  Vendor: DELL      Model: PERC 5/i          Rev: 1.03
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
SCSI device sda: 584843264 512-byte hdwr sectors (299440 MB)
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write through
SCSI device sda: 584843264 512-byte hdwr sectors (299440 MB)
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write through
 sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 sda9 sda10 sda11 >
Attached scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 2, id 0, lun 0
  Vendor: DELL      Model: PERC 5/i          Rev: 1.03
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 05
SCSI device sdb: 1169686528 512-byte hdwr sectors (598880 MB)
SCSI device sdb: drive cache: write through
SCSI device sdb: 1169686528 512-byte hdwr sectors (598880 MB)
SCSI device sdb: drive cache: write through
 sdb: sdb1 sdb2 sdb3

Leveraging the power of Twitter

Last week I posted the following twitter request“Can somebody loan me (or buy me) a Dell 2950 decked out so I can run and publish some benchmarks. Please!”

In a same day response I was offered access to use 2 x Dell 1950’s, and today I’m now actually using these machines for my own testing. I would like to thank cafemom (Barry, Anthony & Dan) for the loan of hardware.

And now the chance to better understand the RAID configuration of the DELL PERC Controllers, trying out some different RAID types, LVM configurations and disk tests. When I’m done with my System Administrator refresher, I’m then be trying some different MySQL Benchmarks to test various MySQL configuration settings including using the new Juice benchmark.

Free MySQL Book giveway – Current Progress

I’ve decided to give people two more days for a chance to win a free MySQL Book — Sheeri Cabral’s MySQL Administrators Bible.

I have had five people so far provide recommendations for a simple MySQL configuration question as stated in For MySQL DBA fame and glory. Prize included. Shlomi Noach the current front runner.

Try your MySQL Performance Tuning skills. This is a good opportunity for new MySQL DBA’s and experienced DBA’s to provide basic input.

More Basic MySQL Security

The reason for yesterday’s Basic OS/MySQL Security was a request to review a system and I was given the production server ‘root’ password in an email. Never email a ‘root’ password, especially including the hostname as well. Email is an insecure protocol that can be monitored by hackers. However, today’s basic security tip following a look at the system is:

Never store the MySQL ‘root’ user password in a ~root/.my.cnf file.

There is simply no reason to do so, and you expose your database to destruction or manipulation when a user has access to the ‘root’ OS user, for example via sudo.

I’ve heard excuses why the ‘root’ MySQL password has to be in a file, I’ve yet to be convinced.

Do you need to store a MySQL password in a file? Yes. Connection management for your application is an example, however that use should never be ‘root’ user to connect to your application.
You may also need to run scripts to backup your data with mysqldump. The solution is to create a dedicated user .e.g. ‘backup’, and then grant that user only the permissions necessary to do the specific task at hand. By default, a simple mysql command will never grant access without any authentication, the user will need to find the password.

As David Minor pointed out in comments, you can also with MySQL change the ‘root’ user name, which is not a bad idea for improved security. The follow steps perform this.

$ mysql -uroot -p[password]
mysql> create user dba@localhost identified by '[newpassword]';
mysql> grant all on *.* to dba@localhost with grant option;
mysql> exit

# Check you can really login
$ mysql -udba -pnewpassword
mysql> select host,user from mysql.user;
# Drop 'root' users as listed, generally
mysql> drop user [email protected];
mysql> drop user root@localhost;
mysql> drop user root@[hostname];
mysql> select host,user from mysql.user;
mysql> exit

More information see the MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual at MySQL Privileges, Create User and Grant Syntax.

For MySQL DBA fame and glory. Prize included.

I came across the following configuration today on a Production MySQL system (5.0.67) running 30+ blogs using WordPress MU.

$ cat /etc/my.cnf
set-variable = max_connections=500

No I did not truncate the output. I could say I’ve seen worse, but that’s a stretch.

So the quiz and a prize for the best response, for the next 48 hours I’ll accept your comments as responses to this post for the top 5 settings you would add, and additionally what information you may need to add these settings. Bonus points for giving a reason why you would add the settings as well.

For example, I’ll give you the most obvious.

key_buffer_size = ????

To determine a key_buffer_size to start with I would look at the size of all Indexes via I_S, and combine with some estimate of growth, say 2x-5x.

For the best answer with the top 5 settings, I’ll send you a copy of Sheeri Cabral’s book MySQL Administrators Bible which even I as a resident MySQL Expert has enjoyed scanning and learning something new.

Basic OS/MySQL Security

If you can do either of these on your MySQL production server, you need to correct immediately.

1. Login directly to your MySQL server as the ‘root’ Linux Operating System user. For example:

$ ssh root@server-name
Password:  ************

2. Connect to MySQL database as the ‘root’ MySQL user without a password.

$ mysql -uroot

Here are the 60 second fixes to address these major security flaws.
To disable direct root access to your server, first ensure you can login as a normal user, then su – or sudo su – appropriately. Then, disable ssh root access with the following configuration change.

$   vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    # ensure this is commented out and set to no
    PermitRootLogin no

$   /etc/init.d/sshd restart

This will stop any brute force attack on your server by automated bots and password generators.

Second, the default installation of MySQL *DOES NOT SET A PASSWORD*. Apart from being crazy, I’ve seen production systems without a MySQL ‘root’ user password. To set a password run:

$ mysqladmin -uroot password SOMEPASSWORD
$ mysqladmin -uroot -pSOMEPASSWORD -hlocalhost password SOMEPASSWORD

Transcending Technology Specific Boundaries

I had the pleasure to sit on the Performance Panel at the recent Percona Performance Conference. While the panel contained a number of usual MySQL suspects, one person was not familiar, that being Cary Millsap from Method R.

An expert in optimizing Oracle performance, Cary also gave an session on Day 2 that I attended. While he opened professing not to be an expert in MySQL, his talk provided valuable foundation knowledge irrespective of whether you use MySQL or another database product.

Having come myself from 7 straight years in system architecture and performance tuning in Ingres, then a further 6 years in Oracle again heavily involved in system architecture and performance tuning, a lot of my experience in the 10 years of providing my own MySQL consulting is drawn from my past RDBMS experiences. In addition much of what I actually provide to clients today is common sense that I don’t see applied.

A summary of the excellent content provided by Cary.

The common technology agnostic problem we need to address is:

  • Users say that everything is slow, but I don’t know where to begin
  • Users are complaining but all the monitoring dials are green

From a user’s perspective, their experience consist simply of two elements.

  1. Task
  2. Time

In general, business people simply don’t care about the “system” except thought the specific tasks that make up their pressing business needs. And for these users, performance is all about the time to complete this task.

Throughput can be stated as tasks per time.
Response time is the time taken per task.

Cary also quoted Donald Knuth — “The universal experience of programmers who have been using measurements tools has been that there intuitive guesses fail.”

Performance is easy if you stop guessing where your code is slow. A few best practice tips are:

  • You have to insist on seeing where time goes for any task you think is important
  • You need to look at the sequence diagram of the task
  • What individual part takes the most time, then look at the task before that. The fastest way to do something is don’t.
  • To drill down, you need to attack the skew of each part, not the average.

In Summary the closing points were:

  • Performance is about time and tasks
  • Not all tasks are created equal
  • Read “The Goal”
  • Don’t guess, your probably wrong
  • Measure response time before you optimize anything – Insist on it

Performance is easy when code measures it’s own time and tasks. This closing statement on instrumentation I completely concur with.


Recently on a client site I had to fight the pain of having no way to confirm loss of data integrity when optimizing data types. Due to MySQL’s ability to perform silent conversion of data, when converting a number of columns we enabled sql_mode to catch any truncations as errors.


This ensured that should any data truncations occur, an error is thrown not a warning. The following shows an example case study for converting an INT to TINYINT UNSIGNED and shows that without sql_mode silent conversions occur.

mysql> drop schema if exists tmp;
Query OK, 25 rows affected (0.40 sec)

mysql> create schema tmp;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> use tmp
Database changed
mysql> create table t1(i1 INT NULL);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.15 sec)

mysql> insert into t1 values(1),(2),(3),(256),(65536),(NULL);
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.06 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from t1;
| i1    |
|     1 |
|     2 |
|     3 |
|   256 |
| 65536 |
|  NULL |
6 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> set session sql_mode=STRICT_ALL_TABLES;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> alter table t1 modify i1 TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL;
ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'i1' at row 4
mysql> set session sql_mode='';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> alter table t1 modify i1 TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL;
Query OK, 6 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.07 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 2

mysql> show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                     |
| Warning | 1264 | Out of range value for column 'i1' at row 4 |
| Warning | 1264 | Out of range value for column 'i1' at row 5 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from t1;
| i1   |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|  255 |
|  255 |
| NULL |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The process however for the client included converting a number of DATETIME columns to DATE columns. The input data specification called for the input values to be dates only so storing and using DATETIME was simply a waste of space.

Unfortunately the use of sql_mode didn’t help here, so the combination of changing multiple columns in one time simply meant it was impossible to determine if any truncations occurred.

This combined with the sheer data volume, tables between 10GB – 500GB, with 10 – 100 million rows.
When you see 14+ millions rows modified, 35+million rows and of course SHOW WARNINGS by default only shows a very small number of actual warnings

It is of course impossible to run individual ALTER statements on columns. Of the top 10 tables, excluding the largest, alter times were between 3 and 15 hrs.

The only solution is to run pre SQL checks on the data to search for the boundary conditions manually. This is not the ideal solution for a customer.

The MySQL crystal ball says …

As the recipient of the 2009 MySQL Community Member of the Year award I received a MySQL crystal ball. While it looks good in my bookcase, unfortunately the best advice I can offer during this time of uncertainty is “watch this space”.

A number of topics where information is still very much unknown and I’m either asked about, or am following includes:

  • The Oracle acquisition of Sun, owner of MySQL.
  • MySQL 5.4 Alpha release and schedule for production release
  • The end of MySQL 5.0 Community/Enterprise split
  • The future of Falcon in MySQL 6.0?

Thanks to Julian Cash of the Human Creativity Project of his photograph at the 2009 MySQL Conference.

Ronald Bradford - MySQL Community Member of the Year

View Photo. View all 2009 MySQL Conference photos.

MySQL for the Oracle DBA Resources

The announcement last month of Oracle to acquire Sun continues to warrant a lot of discussion over exactly what Oracle will do with MySQL. Only time will tell what will happen with the official product, however it is important to remember that MySQL is GPL, there will always be a free version of MySQL available for popular LAMP stack products such as WordPress and Drupal and new and existing startup’s will continue to use MySQL.

This announcement will see Oracle resources begin to better understand and evaluate MySQL. As a resident MySQL Expert, I also have a strong background in Oracle having also worked for Oracle Corporation. I have also delivered several successful one day and half day workshops on MySQL/Oracle related content including:

  • 2009 – Best Practices for Migrating to MySQL from Oracle and SQL Server environments. 4 hour workshop for the Federal Government – Washington DC
  • 2008 – MySQL for the Oracle DBA Bootcamp. 1 day workshop for the Federal Government – Washington DC
  • 2007 – MySQL for the Oracle DBA Bootcamp. 1 day workshop New York, NY & San Francisco, CA
  • 2007 – MySQL for Oracle DBA’s and Developers. 90 minute presentation at MySQL Conference and Expo, Santa Clara, CA
  • 2006 – MySQL for Oracle Developers. 45 minute presentation at MySQL Users Conference, Santa Clara, CA
  • 2006 – Know your Competitor. A MySQL developers guide to Oracle 10g express edition. 60 minutes presentation at MySQL Users Group, Brisbane, Australia

In addition I have proposed 2 MySQL related talks at Oracle Open World 2009

  • Integrating MySQL into your Oracle DBA management processes
  • An overview for evaluating migrating from Oracle to MySQL

For more information check out my MySQL for the Oracle DBA Resources.

HiTCHO Top tech tips

I recent visit with old Brisbane friend HiTCHO which I met at the Brisbane MySQL Users Group in 2005, has lead to this cool list of some hardware and software technologies he used that I am now considering or have already implemented or purchased.


  1. – Bookmark-Powered Web Discovery
  2. Pulse – Smart Pen
  3. Quicksilver Mac windows manager
  4. MailPlane – Brings Gmail to your Mac desktop
  5. Evernote – Remember Everything, with Firefox plugin and iPhone App
  6. Textmate – The missing editor for Mac OS/X
  7. Screen flow Professional screencasting Studio
  8. Snoop – A GNU/Linux file descriptor monitoring tool inspired by FreeBSD’s ‘watch’.


  1. Drobo – Storage that manages itself
  2. Canon PowerShot SX1. True HD in a Canon compact digital camera.
  3. LiveScribe – Never miss a word

One advantage of Oracle/Sun/MySQL

This weeks’ announcement Oracle to by Sun was a major talking point at the 2009 MySQL Conference & Expo. While it is too early to even speculate what the future holds with the official MySQL product, for myself a speaker on MySQL topics, Oracle Open World is now a target market.

In addition to many years of providing MySQL for the Oracle DBA Resources I have with the recent closure of call for papers submitted two sessions for consideration.

Integrating MySQL into your Oracle DBA management processes

Most large enterprise organizations use more then one RDBMS product to service business requirements. With the increase in MySQL usage for web based applications such as self-service content, Oracle DBA’s need to understand and appreciate the minimum to ensure performance and availability meets client expectations.

Just how to you integrate MySQL into existing and existing Oracle database infrastructure and management monitoring process?
What are the critical monitoring components? How do these compare to current Oracle Best Practices.
Understand the various end user tools support multiple RDBMS products including Oracle and MySQL.

In this session, DBA’s will leave with the essential knowledge and appreciation of MySQL management.

An overview for evaluating migrating from Oracle to MySQL

MySQL is becoming increasing popular RDBMS for web based applications due to it’s ease of use, availability within the the LAMP stack and large number of open source applications. While implementing MySQL for a new development project may be easy, migrating existing databases, data and applications to use MySQL is not. In this presentation, we will answer questions including:

What are the major challenges to overcome to consider MySQL for some portion of your business?
What are the issues in application portability?
What are ideal applications to consider for migration?
Tools, Products and options for easy migration?
What Oracle features are not supported?

Learn how to read and write to MySQL directly via Oracle Heterogeneous services.

Announcing Drizzle on EC2

I have published the very first sharable Drizzle Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for AWS EC2, based on the good feedback from my discussion at the Drizzle Developer Day on what options we should try.

This first version is a 32bit Developer instance, showcasing Drizzle and all necessary developer tools to build Drizzle from source.

What you will find on drizzle-ami/intrepid-dev32 – ami-b858bfd1

Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid 32 bit base server installation:

  • build tools
  • drizzle dependencies
  • bzr 1.31.1

From the respective source trees the following software is available:

  • drizzle 2009.04.997
  • libdrizzle 0.0.2
  • gearman 0.0.4
  • memcached 1.2.8
  • libmemcached 0.28

Drizzle has been configured with necessary dependencies for PAM authentication, http_auth, libgearman and MD5 but these don’t seem to be available in the binary distribution.

I will be creating additional AMI’s including 64bit and LAMP ready binary only images.

The following example shows using drizzle on this AMI. Some further work is necessary for full automation, parameters and logging. I’ve raised a number of issues the Drizzle Developers are now hard at work on.

1. Starting Drizzle

ssh [email protected]
sudo /etc/init.d/drizzle-server.init start &

2. Testing Drizzle (the sakila database has been installed)

$ drizzle
Welcome to the Drizzle client..  Commands end with ; or g.
Your Drizzle connection id is 4
Server version: 2009.04.997 Source distribution

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

drizzle> select version();
| version()   |
| 2009.04.997 |
1 row in set (0 sec)

drizzle> select count(*) from;
| count(*) |
|     1000 |
1 row in set (0 sec)

3. Compiling Drizzle

sudo su - drizzle
deploy  drizzle  libdrizzle  sakila-drizzle
cd drizzle
./configure --help
Description of plugins:

   === HTTP Authentication Plugin ===
  Plugin Name:      auth_http
  Description:      HTTP based authentications
  Supports build:   static and dynamic

   === PAM Authenication Plugin ===
  Plugin Name:      auth_pam
  Description:      PAM based authenication.
  Supports build:   dynamic

   === compression UDFs ===
  Plugin Name:      compression
  Description:      UDF Plugin for compression
  Supports build:   static and dynamic
  Status:           mandatory

   === crc32 UDF ===
  Plugin Name:      crc32
  Description:      UDF Plugin for crc32
  Supports build:   static and dynamic
  Status:           mandatory

   === Error Message Plugin ===
  Plugin Name:      errmsg_stderr
  Description:      Errmsg Plugin that sends messages to stderr.
  Supports build:   dynamic

   === Daemon Example Plugin ===
  Plugin Name:      hello_world
  Description:      UDF Plugin for Hello World.
  Supports build:   dynamic

   === Gearman Logging Plugin ===
  Plugin Name:      logging_gearman
  Description:      Logging Plugin that logs to Gearman.
  Supports build:   dynamic

   === Query Logging Plugin ===
  Plugin Name:      logging_query
  Description:      Logging Plugin that logs all queries.
  Supports build:   static and dynamic
  Status:           mandatory

   === Syslog Logging Plugin ===
  Plugin Name:      logging_syslog
  Description:      Logging Plugin that writes to syslog.
  Supports build:   static and dynamic
  Status:           mandatory

   === MD5 UDF ===
  Plugin Name:      md5
  Description:      UDF Plugin for MD5
  Supports build:   static and dynamic

   === One Thread Per Connection Scheduler ===
  Plugin Name:      multi_thread
  Description:      plugin for multi_thread
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

   === Old libdrizzle Protocol ===
  Plugin Name:      oldlibdrizzle
  Description:      plugin for oldlibdrizzle
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

   === Pool of Threads Scheduler ===
  Plugin Name:      pool_of_threads
  Description:      plugin for pool_of_threads
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

   === Default Signal Handler ===
  Plugin Name:      signal_handler
  Description:      plugin for signal_handler
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

   === Single Thread Scheduler ===
  Plugin Name:      single_thread
  Description:      plugin for single_thread
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

   === Archive Storage Engine ===
  Plugin Name:      archive
  Description:      Archive Storage Engine
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

   === Blackhole Storage Engine ===
  Plugin Name:      blackhole
  Description:      Basic Write-only Read-never tables
  Supports build:   static and dynamic
  Configurations:   max, max-no-ndb

   === CSV Storage Engine ===
  Plugin Name:      csv
  Description:      Stores tables in text CSV format
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

   === Memory Storage Engine ===
  Plugin Name:      heap
  Description:      Volatile memory based tables
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

   === InnoDB Storage Engine ===
  Plugin Name:      innobase
  Description:      Transactional Tables using InnoDB
  Supports build:   static and dynamic
  Configurations:   max, max-no-ndb
  Status:           mandatory

   === MyISAM Storage Engine ===
  Plugin Name:      myisam
  Description:      Traditional non-transactional MySQL tables
  Supports build:   static
  Status:           mandatory

Report bugs to <>.

Compiling libdrizzle

Compiling libdrizzle is a rather trivial task. The following are the steps I undertook on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid 32 bit.

There was one pre-requisite from the most basic installed developer tools.

sudo apt-get install -y  automake
bzr clone lp:libdrizzle
cd libdrizzle
make install

And there they are:

$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/libdrizzle*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1122710 2009-04-26 18:10 /usr/local/lib/libdrizzle.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     940 2009-04-26 18:10 /usr/local/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      19 2009-04-26 18:10 /usr/local/lib/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      19 2009-04-26 18:10 /usr/local/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1003734 2009-04-26 18:10 /usr/local/lib/

I added the following to enable other programs using libdrizzle to find the libraries in the system path.

echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/

Drizzle/bzr dependency

A number of developers had problems on Friday at the Drizzle Developer Day with compiling bzr. The distro in question I was helping with was CentOS 5 32-bit. I had no issues on CentOS 5 64bit.

Today while creating the first deployed Drizzle AWS AMI I discovered the same problem using Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid 32 bit.

The solution was actually rather trivial. Installing the python-dev package solved the problem.

apt-get install python-dev
Bzr 1.13.1 Compiling error

building 'bzrlib._btree_serializer_c' extension
gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.5 -c bzrlib/_btree_serializer_c.c -o build/temp.linux-i686-2.5/bzrlib/_btree_serializer_c.o
bzrlib/_btree_serializer_c.c:4:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
bzrlib/_btree_serializer_c.c:5:26: error: structmember.h: No such file or directory
bzrlib/_btree_serializer_c.c:35: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘PyObject’
bzrlib/_btree_serializer_c.c:1651: error: request for member ‘f_lineno’ in something not a structure or union
bzrlib/_btree_serializer_c.c:1651: warning: statement with no effect
bzrlib/_btree_serializer_c.c:1652: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘PyTraceBack_Here’

  Cannot build extension "bzrlib._btree_serializer_c".
  Use "build_ext --allow-python-fallback" to use slower python implementations instead.

error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

Adding a Drizzle Plugin

I joined about 50 others including a number of core MySQL developers and MySQL community members today for the 2009 Drizzle developers day at Sun Microsystems Santa Clara campus.

In addition to a number of presentations and various group discussions most of my individual hacking time was under the guidance of Drizzle team developer Stewart Smith were Patrick Galbraith and myself started the porting of Patrick’s memcached UDF functions for MySQL.

Leveraging some existing Drizzle plugin’s such as CRC32() and UNCOMPRESS() we were easily able to navigate the src/plugin/memcached directory, and drizzle_declare_plugin definition in the new to get a working stub ‘Hello World Example';

$ more
DRIZZLE_PLUGIN(memcached,[memcached UDF],
        [UDF Plugin for memcached])
DRIZZLE_PLUGIN_STATIC(memcached,   [libmemcachedudf.a])
DRIZZLE_PLUGIN_MANDATORY(memcached)  dnl Default
$ more
# Copyright (C) 2006 MySQL AB
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

pkgplugin_LTLIBRARIES =	@plugin_memcached_shared_target@
libmemcachedudf_la_LDFLAGS =	-module -avoid-version -rpath $(pkgplugindir)
libmemcachedudf_la_LIBADD =		$(LIBZ)
libmemcachedudf_la_SOURCES =

EXTRA_LIBRARIES =	libmemcachedudf.a
noinst_LIBRARIES =	@plugin_memcached_static_target@
libmemcachedudf_a_SOURCES=	$(libmemcachedudf_la_SOURCES)
$ more
/* Copyright (C) 2009 Patrick Galbraith, Ronald Bradford
#include <drizzled/server_includes.h>
#include <drizzled/sql_udf.h>
#include <drizzled/item/func.h>
#include <drizzled/function/str/strfunc.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <libmemcached/memcached.h>

using namespace std;

/* memc_get */
class Item_funcmemc_get : public Item_str_func
  Item_funcmemc_get() : Item_str_func() {}
  const char *func_name() const { return "memc_get"; }
  bool check_argument_count(int n) { return (n==1); }
  String *val_str(String*);
  void fix_length_and_dec() {
                            MY_CS_BINSORT), DERIVATION_COERCIBLE);


String *Item_funcmemc_get::val_str(String *str)
  assert(fixed == 1);
  String * sptr= args[0]->val_str(str);
  if (sptr)
    str->set("hello memcached test", 20,system_charset_info);
    return str;
  return 0;

Create_function memc_get_factory(string("memc_get"));

static int memcached_plugin_init(PluginRegistry &registry)
  return 0;

  "Patrick Galbraith, Ronald Bradford",
  "memcached plugin",
  memcached_plugin_init, /* Plugin Init */
  NULL,   /* Plugin Deinit */
  NULL,   /* status variables */
  NULL,   /* system variables */
  NULL    /* config options */