MySQL Workshop II

OTN LA Tour 2015

Links: Account Details - First Steps - Initial Benchmark - DBA 101 - Production Ready MySQL - MySQL Replication - Upgrade to MySQL 5.6 - Production Upgrade Planning - VM Setup - Installation -

Account Details


Unless otherwise stated, all commands are run using this dba account.


MySQL Login details match OS login details.


First Steps

  1. Copy files from USB to local machine
  2. Install VirtualBox 5 (Available on USB)
  3. Configure Host Only Adapter (vboxnet0=
  4. Import Appliance (USB otntour2015.ova) DO NOT REINITIALIZE MAC ADDRESSES
  5. Start VM
  6. Set Hostname with provided name (
$ ssh [email protected]
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/ <name>
$ hostname
$ sudo init 6
Create a snapshot of your VM labelled "MySQL 5.5" so you can restore to a MySQL 5.5 version.

Initial Benchmark Test

It is recommended you have at least 4 terminal windows open. This will help show the impact of various situations. On Mac I recommend iTerm 2 (included on USB).

Terminal 1

A window to look at overall system load. Run the following command.

$ vmstat 5
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 0  0      0 1543004  13444  87684    0    0     0     0   25   49  0  1 99  0  0
 0  0      0 1543028  13452  87684    0    0     0     2   22   41  0  0 100  0  0
 0  0      0 1543036  13452  87684    0    0     0     2   17   38  0  0 100  0  0
 0  0      0 1542360  13460  87684    0    0     0    22   45   75  0  0 99  1  0
 0  0      0 1540684  13468  87980    0    0    59     2   26   58  0  0 98  1  0
 0  0      0 1540808  13468  87980    0    0     0     0   17   43  0  0 100  0  0
 0  0      0 1540808  13468  87980    0    0     0     0   19   40  0  0 100  0  0
 0  0      0 1540808  13468  87980    0    0     0     0   15   40  0  0 100  0  0
 0  0      0 1538264  13468  89628    0    0   330     0   37   77  0  0 97  2  0

Terminal 2

A window to look at overall MySQL load. Run the following command.

$ mysqladmin -r -i 5 extended-status | grep -ie "com_insert " -ie "com_select" -ie "com_update " -ie "com_delete "
| Com_insert                               | 0           |
| Com_select                               | 0           |
| Com_update                               | 0           |

Terminal 3

An interactive MySQL Shell that we can run additional commands here. The following are SQL statements that will show some initial settings.

$ mysql
mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin'; SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'sync_binlog'; SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit';
mysql> SELECT * FROM information_schema.global_variables WHERE variable_name IN ('log_bin', 'sync_binlog', 'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit');
| Variable_name | Value |
| log_bin       | OFF   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

| Variable_name | Value |
| sync_binlog   | 0     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

| Variable_name                  | Value |
| innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit | 1     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

| VARIABLE_NAME                  | VARIABLE_VALUE |
| SYNC_BINLOG                    | 0              |
| LOG_BIN                        | OFF            |
| INNODB_FLUSH_LOG_AT_TRX_COMMIT | 1              |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Terminal 4

Our benchmarking terminal.

$ hostname
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/
Fri Jul 24 15:57:16 UTC 2015 (16)
	Average number of seconds to run all queries: 0.106 seconds
	Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 0.078 seconds
	Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 0.400 seconds
	Number of clients running queries: 16
	Average number of queries per client: 0

Fri Jul 24 15:58:51 UTC 2015 (49)

New Relic Monitoring

With Internet connectivity your VM will start reporting OS and MySQL statistics to New Relic. This is a SaaS Monitoring option. As the author of the MySQL Plugin I can provide a unlimited standard account for FREE via for you to evaluate this at your organization.

Following login you should be able to see your hostname in the Servers and Plugins tabs.


After everything is setup you should see the following in the various terminal windows.

OS load

System load, specifically Wait I/O (wa).

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 0  1      0 1287224 140084 144868    0    0     0  1382  617 33423 33 13  0 54  0
 0  1      0 1283336 140224 144860    0    0     0  1410  722 33995 39 16  0 46  0
13  1      0 1281192 140236 144872    0    0     0  1587  716 26164 32 12  3 53  0
 3  1      0 1286604 140520 144852    0    0     0  1319  669 26349 33 13  2 52  0
 0  1      0 1282988 140520 144872    0    0     0  1270  594 29325 28 12  1 59  0
MySQL Load

Inserts/Updates/Selects occuring. The number represents the rate per 5 seconds.

| Com_insert                               | 2127        |
| Com_select                               | 1927        |
| Com_update                               | 0           |
| Com_insert                               | 1696        |
| Com_select                               | 1617        |
| Com_update                               | 0           |
MySQL Processes

A large number of MySQL threads running.

mysql> show processlist;
| Id    | User     | Host            | db        | Command | Time | State        | Info                                                                                                 |
|     3 | dba      | localhost       | NULL      | Query   |    0 | NULL         | show processlist                                                                                     |
|     4 | newrelic | localhost:56777 | NULL      | Sleep   |    8 |              | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 11966 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | Sending data | SELECT intcol1,intcol2,charcol1,charcol2,charcol3 FROM t1                                            |
| 11967 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | Sending data | SELECT intcol1,intcol2,charcol1,charcol2,charcol3 FROM t1                                            |
| 11968 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | update       | INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1154847471,2039507092,'A1yNIaru8HcCZaDEGC2X9KBCoNipoZayRODdy4N7ErBfQPtaTw5XGG |
| 11969 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | query end    | INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1471079933,266531426,'a1vMmjn2ZKuaFxe9yR02BJeO5IKMg5o67bKlI7gjJQHbNokD7lGIwmj |
| 11970 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | query end    | INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1471079933,266531426,'a1vMmjn2ZKuaFxe9yR02BJeO5IKMg5o67bKlI7gjJQHbNokD7lGIwmj |
| 11971 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | Sending data | SELECT intcol1,intcol2,charcol1,charcol2,charcol3 FROM t1                                            |
| 11972 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | Sending data | SELECT intcol1,intcol2,charcol1,charcol2,charcol3 FROM t1                                            |
| 11973 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | Sending data | SELECT intcol1,intcol2,charcol1,charcol2,charcol3 FROM t1                                            |
| 11974 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | update       | INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1154847471,2039507092,'A1yNIaru8HcCZaDEGC2X9KBCoNipoZayRODdy4N7ErBfQPtaTw5XGG |
| 11975 | dba      | localhost       | mysqlslap | Query   |    1 | query end    | INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1471079933,266531426,'a1vMmjn2ZKuaFxe9yR02BJeO5IKMg5o67bKlI7gjJQHbNokD7lGIwmj |
New Relic Metrics

The following clickable images provides a visual reference of what you should see for your server.

We will let this benchmarking run for a few minutes to produce graphs for everybody.

DBA 101

A default installation of MySQL 5.5 has a number of inherit weaknesses for being production ready. This VM is a stock MySQL 5.5 install from the Oracle YUM repo. Detailed installation steps can be found at the bottom of this page here.

User Security

There is none. The MySQL instance has no password.

$ sudo su -
$ mysql -uroot

The following sets a password for the root user.

$ mysqladmin -uroot password 'zookeeper'
$ mysql -uroot
$ mysql -uroot -pzookeeper

We can re-run our first access to verify access now has more security.

$ mysql -uroot
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
$ mysql -uroot -pzookeeper

We can store the user/password in a per user configuration file that is inspected for MySQL client programs. This means we do not need to enter the password each time.

$ echo "[client]
password=zookeeper" > ${HOME}/.my.cnf
$ mysql

Unsafe Privileges

MySQL 5.5 by default has unsafe permissions (users/schemas).

mysql> select host,user,password from mysql.user;
mysql> show schemas;
| host      | user     | password                                  |
| localhost | root     | *AC4BCA3DA84D9382139C10C5D1BFD55CFE70EE7C |
| zoo       | root     |                                           |
| | root     |                                           |
| ::1       | root     |                                           |
| localhost |          |                                           |
| zoo       |          |                                           |
| localhost | newrelic | *AC4BCA3DA84D9382139C10C5D1BFD55CFE70EE7C |
| | newrelic | *AC4BCA3DA84D9382139C10C5D1BFD55CFE70EE7C |
| localhost | dba      | *AC4BCA3DA84D9382139C10C5D1BFD55CFE70EE7C |

A new clean installation of MySQL 5.5 will look like:

mysql> select host,user,password from mysql.user;
| host      | user     | password                                  |
| localhost | root     |                                           |
| zoo       | root     |                                           |
| | root     |                                           |
| ::1       | root     |                                           |
| localhost |          |                                           |
| zoo       |          |                                           |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show schemas;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |

MySQL provides a utility to perform the most basic security. This should always be run for a clean installation if no other automated processes are used.

$ mysql_secure_installation
Enter current password for root (enter for none):
Change the root password? [Y/n] n
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y

The user privileges however are still not clean (an artifact of setting 'root' password initially).

mysql> select host,user,password from mysql.user;
| host      | user     | password                                  |
| localhost | root     | *AC4BCA3DA84D9382139C10C5D1BFD55CFE70EE7C |
| | root     |                                           |
| ::1       | root     |                                           |

The following will provide the most secure access.

mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user='root' AND host != 'localhost';
mysql> select host,user,password from mysql.user;
| host      | user     | password                                  |
| localhost | root     | *AC4BCA3DA84D9382139C10C5D1BFD55CFE70EE7C |
The most recent DMR release of MySQL 5.7.8 no longer has a password column. See MySQL 5.7 : no more password column! for an explanation.

File System Security

Your data is not as protected as it should be.

$ ls -ld /var/lib/mysql/
drwxr-xr-x. 5 mysql mysql 4096 Jul 22 16:34 /var/lib/mysql/
$ ls -lh /var/lib/mysql/
total 37M
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql  26M Jul 22 16:35 ibdata1
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql 5.0M Jul 22 16:35 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql 5.0M Jul 22 16:35 ib_logfile1
drwx------. 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Jul 21 17:30 mysql
drwx------. 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Jul 22 16:35 mysqlslap
srwxrwxrwx. 1 mysql mysql    0 Jul 22 14:43 mysql.sock
drwx------. 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Jul 21 17:30 performance_schema

Default distro installs do not lock down the datadir because they put a global readable file mysql.sock in the directory by default. This can be changed by configuration. This directory is also used for binary logs by default, demonstrated later.

You should now stop benchmarking and review New Relic statistics. This gap in load is useful for evaluating the next test.

Benchmark Basics

Mysqlslap is a utility that is included with the MySQL Binary. The script is using this.

$ mysqlslap --auto-generate-sql --verbose

	Average number of seconds to run all queries: 0.125 seconds
	Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 0.125 seconds
	Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 0.125 seconds
	Number of clients running queries: 1
	Average number of queries per client: 0

$ mysqlslap --concurrency=50 --iterations=10 --auto-generate-sql --verbose --no-drop
	Average number of seconds to run all queries: 0.277 seconds
	Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 0.136 seconds
	Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 0.438 seconds
	Number of clients running queries: 50
	Average number of queries per client: 0

mysqlslap will create it's own schema and defines a single table. We perform this check because this changes in MySQL 5.6.

$ sudo ls -lh /var/lib/mysql/mysqlslap/
total 16K
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql   65 Jul 22 16:36 db.opt
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql 8.6K Jul 22 16:36 t1.frm

sysbench has been pre-installed and configured on this VM. We will be using the examples found at,

$ sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/insert.lua run
sysbench 0.5:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Random number generator seed is 0 and will be ignored

Threads started!

OLTP test statistics:
    queries performed:
        read:                            0
        write:                           10000
        other:                           0
        total:                           10000
    transactions:                        0      (0.00 per sec.)
    deadlocks:                           0      (0.00 per sec.)
    read/write requests:                 10000  (1215.34 per sec.)
    other operations:                    0      (0.00 per sec.)

General statistics:
    total time:                          8.2281s
    total number of events:              10000
    total time taken by event execution: 8.2112s
    response time:
         min:                                  0.12ms
         avg:                                  0.82ms
         max:                                106.16ms
         approx.  95 percentile:               1.03ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           10000.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   8.2112/0.00

Monitoring Basics

$ tail -50 /var/log/mysqld.log
150724 15:51:08 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/run/mysqld/ ended
150724 15:51:48 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
150724 15:51:48 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.5.44) starting as process 2474 ...
150724 15:51:48 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
150724 15:51:48 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
150724 15:51:48 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
150724 15:51:48 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
150724 15:51:48 InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
150724 15:51:48 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
150724 15:51:48 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
150724 15:51:48 InnoDB: highest supported file format is Barracuda.
150724 15:51:49  InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
150724 15:51:50 InnoDB: 5.5.44 started; log sequence number 1595675
150724 15:51:50 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): ''; port: 3306
150724 15:51:50 [Note]   - '' resolves to '';
150724 15:51:50 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
150724 15:51:50 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
150724 15:51:50 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.5.44'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server (GPL)
| Id    | User     | Host            | db   | Command | Time | State | Info             |
|     2 | dba      | localhost       | NULL | Sleep   |    1 |       | NULL             |
|     4 | newrelic | localhost:56777 | NULL | Sleep   |   44 |       | NULL             |
| 29833 | dba      | localhost       | NULL | Query   |    0 | NULL  | SHOW PROCESSLIST |
$ mysqladmin processlist
| Id    | User     | Host            | db | Command | Time | State | Info             |
| 2     | dba      | localhost       |    | Sleep   | 1    |       |                  |
| 4     | newrelic | localhost:56777 |    | Sleep   | 49   |       |                  |
| 29834 | dba      | localhost       |    | Query   | 0    |       | show processlist |
$ mysqladmin -v processlist
| Id    | User     | Host            | db | Command | Time | State | Info                  |
| 2     | dba      | localhost       |    | Sleep   | 5    |       |                       |
| 4     | newrelic | localhost:56777 |    | Sleep   | 53   |       |                       |
| 29835 | dba      | localhost       |    | Query   | 0    |       | show full processlist |
$ mysql -e "select * from information_schema.processlist;"
| ID    | USER     | HOST            | DB   | COMMAND | TIME | STATE     | INFO                                         |
| 29836 | dba      | localhost       | NULL | Query   |    0 | executing | select * from information_schema.processlist |
|     4 | newrelic | localhost:56777 | NULL | Sleep   |   58 |           | NULL                                         |
|     2 | dba      | localhost       | NULL | Sleep   |    5 |           | NULL                                         |
$ mysql -e "select * from performance_schema.processlist;"
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'performance_schema.processlist' doesn't exist
NOTE: We discuss performance_schema.processlist later.
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  Type: InnoDB
Per second averages calculated from the last 45 seconds
srv_master_thread loops: 4950 1_second, 4941 sleeps, 492 10_second, 52 background, 52 flush
srv_master_thread log flush and writes: 5213
OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 500763, signal count 38652
--Thread 140666819790592 has waited at trx0undo.ic line 156 for 0.00 seconds the semaphore:
X-lock (wait_ex) on RW-latch at 0x7fef97d150c0 created in file buf0buf.c line 938
a writer (thread id 140666819790592) has reserved it in mode  wait exclusive
number of readers 1, waiters flag 0, lock_word: ffffffffffffffff
Last time read locked in file buf0flu.c line 1319
Last time write locked in file /pb2/build/sb_0-15194737-1430742730.11/rpm/BUILD/mysql-5.5.44/mysql-5.5.44/storage/innobase/include/trx0undo.ic line 156
--Thread 140666811803392 has waited at btr0pcur.c line 425 for 0.00 seconds the semaphore:
S-lock on RW-latch at 0x7fef97d2cac0 created in file buf0buf.c line 938
a writer (thread id 140666819790592) has reserved it in mode  exclusive
number of readers 0, waiters flag 1, lock_word: 0
Last time read locked in file row0sel.c line 3100
Last time write locked in file /pb2/build/sb_0-15194737-1430742730.11/rpm/BUILD/mysql-5.5.44/mysql-5.5.44/storage/innobase/row/row0ins.c line 2017
--Thread 140666890761984 has waited at row0ins.c line 2017 for 0.00 seconds the semaphore:
X-lock on RW-latch at 0x7fef97d2cac0 created in file buf0buf.c line 938
a writer (thread id 140666819790592) has reserved it in mode  exclusive
number of readers 0, waiters flag 1, lock_word: 0
Last time read locked in file row0sel.c line 3100
Last time write locked in file /pb2/build/sb_0-15194737-1430742730.11/rpm/BUILD/mysql-5.5.44/mysql-5.5.44/storage/innobase/row/row0ins.c line 2017
--Thread 140666810472192 has waited at btr0pcur.c line 425 for 0.00 seconds the semaphore:
S-lock on RW-latch at 0x7fef97d2cac0 created in file buf0buf.c line 938
a writer (thread id 140666819790592) has reserved it in mode  exclusive
number of readers 0, waiters flag 1, lock_word: 0
Last time read locked in file row0sel.c line 3100
Last time write locked in file 

Production Ready MySQL

A default MySQL installation is not ready for production usage.

Point in time recovery

If you care even remotely about your data you require the MySQL Binary logs to perform data recovery.

$ sudo vi /etc/my.cnf

NOTE: The MySQL configuration uses different settings, be sure to use [mysqld].


NOTE: This is not a dynamic variable, a MySQL instance restart is required.

$ sudo service mysqld restart
At this time you should re-start your benchmarking and let it run for 5 minutes to evaluate the differences and before next change.

Durability (the D of ACID)

If you want proper durability you need to enable better flushing of data to disk.

mysql>  SET GLOBAL sync_binlog=1;

NOTE: This is a dynamic variable, look at vmstat, mysqladmin and New Relic output to see impact.

NOTE: This is affected in MySQL 5.6 by the group commit. Discussed later.

Let this run for a few minutes and evaluate monitoring.

InnoDB log flushing

MySQL allows you to relax the flushing of the InnoDB transaction log file. This is a tradeoff many high volume websites that hold non-critical information consider to improve I/O. The rationale is to let the disk subsystem with appropriate BBRU cache to cater for a loss of writes up to 1 second. In a cloud/virtualized environment this is impossible to determine.

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit';
| Variable_name                  | Value |
| innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit | 1     |

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'innodb_%fsyncs';
| Variable_name                | Value  |
| Innodb_data_fsyncs           | 785428 |
| Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs   | 2      |
| Innodb_os_log_fsyncs         | 770315 |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs | 1      |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2;
Let this run for a few minutes and evaluate monitoring.

Binary Log Flushing

mysql>  SET GLOBAL sync_binlog=0;

We can now reset the binary log flushing so we have maximum I/O throughput.

Let this run for a few minutes and evaluate monitoring.
You should now stop benchmarking and review New Relic statistics. This gap in load is useful for evaluating the next test.

MySQL Replication

Launch the second VM that will become a MySQL slave.

If the VM is an import appliance, then set the hostname to your given name first.

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/ <name>

The following script will configure the OS.

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/

This script will take care of the following to have a unique server.

After restarting, confirm you can ssh to

$ ssh [email protected]

Master Setup

On the master that is already configured with log-bin enabled a new MySQL user is needed for replication.

$ mysql
mysql> CREATE USER [email protected] IDENTIFIED BY 'zoolander';
mysql> GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO [email protected];

In order to connect to the master, you require the position of the binary logs based on the data that is being restored.

*************************** 1. row ***************************
            File: mysqld-bin.000002
        Position: 349
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

To get the specific syntax you can cheat with mysqldump.

$ mysqldump --master-data --no-data --no-create-info mysql | grep CHANGE

Slave Setup

On the slave we need to configure the MySQL instance to be in a replication topology.

$ sudo vi /etc/my.cnf
$ sudo service mysqld restart
$ ping -c 2
$ mysql -urepl -pzoolander -h192.168.42.10 -e "SHOW GRANTS"
$ mysql
# The following will vary depending on your output
mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysqld-bin.000002', MASTER_LOG_POS=349;

Replication setup will fail (intentionally)

*************************** 1. row ***************************
               Slave_IO_State: Waiting to reconnect after a failed registration on master
                  Master_User: repl
                  Master_Port: 3306
                Connect_Retry: 60
              Master_Log_File: mysqld-bin.000002
          Read_Master_Log_Pos: 349
               Relay_Log_File: mysqld-relay-bin.000001
                Relay_Log_Pos: 4
        Relay_Master_Log_File: mysqld-bin.000002
             Slave_IO_Running: Connecting
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
        Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL
Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                Last_IO_Errno: 1597
                Last_IO_Error: Master command COM_REGISTER_SLAVE failed: Access denied for user 'repl'@'' (using password: YES) (Errno: 1045)
               Last_SQL_Errno: 0
             Master_Server_Id: 1

Back on the master we correct the problem with the right permission.

mysql> GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO [email protected];

By the time you return to the slave, it should have automatically detected the correction and should have started replication.

*************************** 1. row ***************************
               Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                  Master_User: repl
                  Master_Port: 3306
                Connect_Retry: 60
              Master_Log_File: mysqld-bin.000002
          Read_Master_Log_Pos: 677
               Relay_Log_File: mysqld-relay-bin.000002
                Relay_Log_Pos: 582
        Relay_Master_Log_File: mysqld-bin.000002
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
                   Last_Errno: 0
                 Skip_Counter: 0
          Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 677
              Relay_Log_Space: 739
              Until_Condition: None
                Until_Log_Pos: 0
           Master_SSL_Allowed: No
        Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                Last_IO_Errno: 0
               Last_SQL_Errno: 0
             Master_Server_Id: 1



More Information

More reading can be found at MySQL Replication HowTo


Upgrade to MySQL 5.6

Working on the slave first, we are going to perform the start of a rolling upgrade, a popular technique for upgrading in which you can update the slave first, verify usage and operation and then failover to the slave.
We can config the yum repository for upgrade with:

$ sudo yum-config-manager --disable mysql55-community
$ sudo yum-config-manager --enable mysql56-community
$ yum info mysql-community-server
Installed Packages
Name        : mysql-community-server
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 5.5.44
Release     : 2.el6
Size        : 161 M
Repo        : installed
From repo   : mysql55-community
Available Packages
Name        : mysql-community-server
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 5.6.25
Release     : 2.el6
Size        : 53 M
Repo        : mysql56-community
Summary     : A very fast and reliable SQL database server
URL         :
WARNING: Be careful. There is mysql-server and mysql-community-server.
$ yum info mysql-server
Loaded plugins: security
Available Packages
Name        : mysql-server
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 5.1.73
Release     : 5.el6_6
Size        : 8.6 M
Repo        : public_ol6_latest
Summary     : The MySQL server and related files
URL         :
License     : GPLv2 with exceptions
Description : MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. MySQL is a
            : client/server implementation consisting of a server daemon (mysqld)
            : and many different client programs and libraries. This package contains
            : the MySQL server and some accompanying files and directories.

Without Internet Connectivity

Copy rpms from USB to

# On host machine
$ cd /local/path/to/usb
$ scp rpm/*5-6* [email protected]:/tmp
# On VM
cd /tmp
sudo yum localinstall -y `ls *5.6*.rpm`

With Internet Connectivity

$ sudo yum update -y mysql-community-server
 Package                                  Arch                Version                      Repository                      Size
 mysql-community-server                   x86_64              5.6.25-2.el6                 mysql56-community               53 M
Updating for dependencies:
 mysql-community-client                   x86_64              5.6.25-2.el6                 mysql56-community               18 M
 mysql-community-common                   x86_64              5.6.25-2.el6                 mysql56-community              307 k
 mysql-community-libs                     x86_64              5.6.25-2.el6                 mysql56-community              1.9 M
 mysql-community-libs-compat              x86_64              5.6.25-2.el6                 mysql56-community              1.6 M

Transaction Summary
Upgrade       5 Package(s)
  mysql-community-server.x86_64 0:5.6.25-2.el6

Dependency Updated:
  mysql-community-client.x86_64 0:5.6.25-2.el6                 mysql-community-common.x86_64 0:5.6.25-2.el6
  mysql-community-libs.x86_64 0:5.6.25-2.el6                   mysql-community-libs-compat.x86_64 0:5.6.25-2.el6

$ mysql -e "SELECT VERSION()"
| 5.6.25    |
Upgraded right? Wrong!

Always, Always start with the MySQL error log when reviewing performance, startup, changes and upgrades.

$ tail -20 /var/log/mysqld.log
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'events_statements_summary_by_digest' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'users' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'accounts' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'hosts' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'socket_instances' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'socket_summary_by_instance' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'socket_summary_by_event_name' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'session_connect_attrs' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [ERROR] Native table 'performance_schema'.'session_account_connect_attrs' has the wrong structure
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
2015-07-24 17:28:31 31214 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.6.25-log'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server (GPL)
The upgrade produced a large number of errors.
$ sudo mysql_upgrade
$ sudo mysql_upgrade
Looking for 'mysql' as: mysql
Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: mysqlcheck
Running 'mysqlcheck with default connection arguments
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Running 'mysqlcheck with default connection arguments
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
mysql.columns_priv                                 OK
mysql.db                                           OK
mysql.event                                        OK
mysql.func                                         OK
mysql.general_log                                  OK
mysql.help_category                                OK
mysql.help_keyword                                 OK
mysql.help_relation                                OK
mysql.help_topic                                   OK                                         OK
mysql.ndb_binlog_index                             OK
mysql.plugin                                       OK
mysql.proc                                         OK
mysql.procs_priv                                   OK
mysql.proxies_priv                                 OK
mysql.servers                                      OK
mysql.slow_log                                     OK
mysql.tables_priv                                  OK
mysql.time_zone                                    OK
mysql.time_zone_leap_second                        OK
mysql.time_zone_name                               OK
mysql.time_zone_transition                         OK
mysql.time_zone_transition_type                    OK
mysql.user                                         OK
Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'...
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Running 'mysqlcheck with default connection arguments
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Running 'mysqlcheck with default connection arguments
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

The actual process does not require sudo but the writing of the output to the default datadir requires mysql privileges or you get this message.

Could not create the upgrade info file '/var/lib/mysql/mysql_upgrade_info' in the MySQL Servers datadir, errno: 13
This in turn is used to stop re-running of the script.
$ mysql_upgrade
Looking for 'mysql' as: mysql
Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: mysqlcheck
This installation of MySQL is already upgraded to 5.6.25, use --force if you still need to run mysql_upgrade

Production Upgrade Planning

As with upgrading of any software a lot more is involved then just updating the software itself. Steps include:

MySQL 5.6 can be a drop in for MySQL 5.5 if using just existing functionality. There are at least two common compatibility issues.

Timestamp warning

In the error log you will see

2015-07-22 17:44:05 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).

With MySQL 5.6 perhaps the most important changes are in the default values of several configuration variables. This can impact your system (both good and bad) if you already leave these configuration options presently as default. It can also cause a number of problems, in particular when you perform an online upgrade and restart the MySQL instance at a later time.

Recommended reading includes,,,

In this tutorial we are going to discuss three configuration changes and their relative impacts.

In a well defined MySQL 5.5 environment you have likely configured these variables. In our tutorial, they are untuned.


To show the impact, we restart the MySQL Instance and run a simple benchmark.

$ sudo service mysqld restart
$ mysql -e "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS mysqlslap"
$ mysqlslap --auto-generate-sql --verbose --no-drop
$ sudo ls -lh /var/lib/mysql/mysqlslap/
total 112K
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql   65 Jul 24 18:18 db.opt
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql 8.5K Jul 24 18:18 t1.frm
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql  96K Jul 24 18:18 t1.ibd

MySQL has moved from using a default InnoDB tablespace to a per-table tablespace. At present our environment is actually a hybrid which is even worse.


To handle memory effectively for large buffer pools multiple pool instances should be used. In 5.5 this was optional, in 5.6 this is configured based on a number of variables.


In MySQL 5.5 a change in log file size required both a restart of the instance and the safe removal of prior log files. In 5.6 a restart will eliminate the second step. We can see this change easily with defaults, this shows 2 log files in the group of 48M each, eariler (in listing above) they were 5M.

$ sudo ls -lh /var/lib/mysql/
total 123M
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql   56 Jul 24 17:28 auto.cnf
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql  26M Jul 24 18:18 ibdata1
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql  48M Jul 24 18:18 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql  48M Jul 24 17:28 ib_logfile1
drwx------. 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Jul 24 17:31 mysql
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql  77K Jul 24 18:18 mysqld-bin.000001
-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql   20 Jul 24 17:28 mysqld-bin.index
drwx------. 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Jul 24 18:18 mysqlslap
srwxrwxrwx. 1 mysql mysql    0 Jul 24 17:28 mysql.sock
-rw-r--r--. 1 root  root     6 Jul 24 17:31 mysql_upgrade_info
drwx------. 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Jul 24 17:31 performance_schema
drwx------. 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Jul 24 16:43 sbtest

New Features

MySQL 5.6 offers numerous new and improved features, generally these are what drive upgrading software. While there is a long list, a few that are important are.

Group Commit

In MySQL 5.5 benchmarking we demonstrated the impact of secure durability with sync_binlog=1. In MySQL 5.6 this is greatly improved with group commit functionality, and is generally considered minimual to now enable.

Rerun benchmarks with 0 and 1

The Performance Schema

While available in MySQL 5.5 (17 tables) there has been a great improvment in MySQL 5.6 (52 tables), and also in MySQL 5.7 of (73 tables). In addition the sys schema (, which is included by default in MySQL 5.7 provides a great amount of user-friendly access to the internals and performance of MySQL. This one feature alone is worth the price of upgrade if you do not have dedicated, well training and experienced MySQL performance experts.

The 'sys' schema
$ cd $HOME/mysql-sys
$ mysql < sys_56.sql

This has 82 view objects, a number duplicated as they have been re-introduced as x$ tables.

$ sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/insert.lua --max-requests=100000000 --num-threads=3 --report-interval=5 --report-checkpoints=10 run
$ mysqladmin -r -i 5 extended-status | grep -ie "com_insert " -ie "com_select" -e "com_update "
mysql> use sys;
mysql> select * from x$statement_analysis order by exec_count desc limit 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
            query: INSERT INTO sbtest1 ( id , k , c , pad ) VALUES (...)
               db: sbtest
       exec_count: 9781
        err_count: 0
       warn_count: 0
    total_latency: 177157839304000
      max_latency: 324741004000
      avg_latency: 18112446000
     lock_latency: 765344000000
        rows_sent: 0
    rows_sent_avg: 0
    rows_examined: 0
rows_examined_avg: 0
    rows_affected: 9781
rows_affected_avg: 1
       tmp_tables: 0
  tmp_disk_tables: 0
      rows_sorted: 0
sort_merge_passes: 0
           digest: 55f1ac975cd97ea63cf29e3568c2daea
       first_seen: 2015-07-24 18:46:14
        last_seen: 2015-07-24 18:47:13
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from x$io_global_by_file_by_bytes limit 10;
| file                                          | count_read | total_read | avg_read   | count_write | total_written | avg_write  | total    | write_pct |
| /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1                        |        533 |   10797056 | 20257.1407 |        1873 |      59179008 | 31595.8398 | 69976064 |     84.57 |
| /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0                    |          6 |      69632 | 11605.3333 |       20156 |      28941824 |  1435.8912 | 29011456 |     99.76 |
| /var/lib/mysql/mysqld-bin.000002              |          0 |          0 |     0.0000 |       53107 |      24542484 |   462.1328 | 24542484 |    100.00 |
| /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile1                    |          0 |          0 |     0.0000 |        9637 |      13744128 |  1426.1833 | 13744128 |    100.00 |
| /var/lib/mysql/mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd   |          3 |      49152 | 16384.0000 |           2 |         32768 | 16384.0000 |    81920 |     40.00 |
| /var/lib/mysql/mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd   |          3 |      49152 | 16384.0000 |           2 |         32768 | 16384.0000 |    81920 |     40.00 |
| /var/lib/mysql/mysql/slave_master_info.ibd    |          4 |      65536 | 16384.0000 |           0 |             0 |     0.0000 |    65536 |      0.00 |
| /var/lib/mysql/mysql/slave_relay_log_info.ibd |          4 |      65536 | 16384.0000 |           0 |             0 |     0.0000 |    65536 |      0.00 |
| /var/lib/mysql/mysql/slave_worker_info.ibd    |          4 |      65536 | 16384.0000 |           0 |             0 |     0.0000 |    65536 |      0.00 |
| /usr/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys           |          3 |      60110 | 20036.6667 |           0 |             0 |     0.0000 |    60110 |      0.00 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show create table sbtest.sbtest1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: sbtest1
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `sbtest1` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `k` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `c` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `pad` char(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `k_1` (`k`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Demonstrating innodb_file_per_table

mysql> RENAME TABLE sbtest.sbtest1 TO sbtest.sbtestold;
mysql> CREATE TABLE sbtest.sbtest1 lIKE sbtest.sbtestold;
mysql> INSERT INTO sbtest.sbtest1 SELECT * FROM sbtest.sbtestold;

mysql> SELECT * FROM x$io_global_by_file_by_bytes LIMIT 5;
| file                                          | count_read | total_read | avg_read   | count_write | total_written | avg_write  | total     | write_pct |
| /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1                        |       1582 |   27983872 | 17688.9204 |        2314 |     109199360 | 47190.7347 | 137183232 |     79.60 |
| /var/lib/mysql/sbtest/sbtest1.ibd             |          0 |          0 |     0.0000 |        2423 |      92831744 | 38312.7297 |  92831744 |    100.00 |
| /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile1                    |          0 |          0 |     0.0000 |       15614 |      58245120 |  3730.3138 |  58245120 |    100.00 |
| /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0                    |          6 |      69632 | 11605.3333 |       25532 |      36644864 |  1435.2524 |  36714496 |     99.81 |
| /var/lib/mysql/mysqld-bin.000002              |          0 |          0 |     0.0000 |       73279 |      33865662 |   462.1469 |  33865662 |    100.00 |

Demonstrating Read Load

$ sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/select.lua --max-requests=100000000 --num-threads=3 --report-interval=5 --report-checkpoints=10 run
mysql> select * from x$io_by_thread_by_latency;
| user                | total | total_latency  | min_latency | avg_latency       | max_latency   | thread_id | processlist_id |
| page_cleaner_thread |  9895 | 38190618340902 |       21888 |   4246964379.0000 |  880958997000 |        18 |           NULL |
| io_handler_thread   |   218 | 17744951960532 |  2071810692 |  81398862198.0000 |  471101104278 |         2 |           NULL |
| io_handler_thread   |   109 | 13275830934252 |   637199010 | 121796613900.0000 |  443683989252 |         3 |           NULL |
| io_handler_thread   |    91 | 11279843928180 |   450658872 | 123954328836.0000 |  964304912736 |         4 |           NULL |
| io_handler_thread   |    79 |  9774581175846 |   541240308 | 123728875596.0000 | 1534082572836 |         5 |           NULL |
| dba@localhost       |  3446 |  6920731195776 |       21888 |   2177024788.0000 |  599345019072 |        21 |              2 |
| srv_master_thread   |   519 |  6647367640554 |       21888 |   8032221576.0000 | 1850165177058 |        14 |           NULL |
| io_handler_thread   |   182 |  2110964444010 |   283719096 |  11598705648.0000 |  227050558866 |        10 |           NULL |
| main                |  1531 |   172523598030 |       21888 |    767181012.0000 |   65943403740 |         1 |           NULL |
| srv_purge_thread    |    15 |      128080026 |     2077650 |      8538372.0000 |      13931370 |        12 |           NULL |
| signal_handler      |     3 |       61053156 |     2600226 |     20351052.0000 |      42681600 |        19 |           NULL |
11 rows in set (0.12 sec)


In MySQL 5.5 there are 10 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB related tables. In MySQL 5.6 there are 28.

mysql> select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='INFORMATION_SCHEMA' AND table_name like 'innodb%';
| table_name                 |
| INNODB_LOCKS               |
| INNODB_TRX                 |
| INNODB_LOCK_WAITS          |
| INNODB_CMP                 |
| INNODB_METRICS             |
| INNODB_CMP_RESET           |
| INNODB_FT_DELETED          |
| INNODB_SYS_FIELDS          |
| INNODB_CMPMEM              |
| INNODB_SYS_TABLES          |
| INNODB_FT_CONFIG           |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT * FROM information_schema.innodb_trx\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                    trx_id: 4385437
                 trx_state: RUNNING
               trx_started: 2015-07-24 18:59:48
     trx_requested_lock_id: NULL
          trx_wait_started: NULL
                trx_weight: 2
       trx_mysql_thread_id: 19
                 trx_query: INSERT INTO sbtest1 (id, k, c, pad) VALUES (0, 5020, '29858002693-99284354604-97986798821-31184705126-26818546836-81812223368-49873972403-80374189540-93438477554-46359271769', '31504863415-81495921832-78032853060-81184376668-78200869529')
       trx_operation_state: flushing log
         trx_tables_in_use: 1
         trx_tables_locked: 1
          trx_lock_structs: 1
     trx_lock_memory_bytes: 360
           trx_rows_locked: 0
         trx_rows_modified: 1
   trx_concurrency_tickets: 0
       trx_isolation_level: REPEATABLE READ
         trx_unique_checks: 1
    trx_foreign_key_checks: 1
trx_last_foreign_key_error: NULL
 trx_adaptive_hash_latched: 0
 trx_adaptive_hash_timeout: 10000
          trx_is_read_only: 0
trx_autocommit_non_locking: 0

InnoDB Buffer Pool hit ratio

mysql> select * from sys.innodb_buffer_stats_by_table;
| object_schema | object_name          | allocated | data      | pages | pages_hashed | pages_old | rows_cached |
| sbtest        | sbtest1              | 85.92 MiB | 75.66 MiB |  5499 |         5499 |      5499 |      364677 |
| sbtest        | sbtestold            | 20.91 MiB | 18.70 MiB |  1338 |         1338 |      1338 |       96708 |
| InnoDB System | SYS_FOREIGN          | 32.00 KiB | 0 bytes   |     2 |            2 |         2 |           0 |
| InnoDB System | SYS_TABLES           | 32.00 KiB | 1.43 KiB  |     2 |            2 |         2 |          13 |
| InnoDB System | SYS_COLUMNS          | 16.00 KiB | 5.44 KiB  |     1 |            1 |         1 |          84 |
| InnoDB System | SYS_DATAFILES        | 16.00 KiB | 424 bytes |     1 |            1 |         1 |           8 |
| InnoDB System | SYS_FIELDS           | 16.00 KiB | 916 bytes |     1 |            1 |         1 |          22 |
| InnoDB System | SYS_TABLESPACES      | 16.00 KiB | 416 bytes |     1 |            1 |         1 |           8 |
| mysql         | innodb_index_stats   | 16.00 KiB | 1.73 KiB  |     1 |            1 |         1 |          20 |
| mysql         | innodb_table_stats   | 16.00 KiB | 244 bytes |     1 |            1 |         1 |           4 |
| mysql         | slave_master_info    | 16.00 KiB | 0 bytes   |     1 |            1 |         1 |           0 |
| mysql         | slave_relay_log_info | 16.00 KiB | 0 bytes   |     1 |            1 |         1 |           0 |
| mysql         | slave_worker_info    | 16.00 KiB | 0 bytes   |     1 |            1 |         1 |           0 |
13 rows in set (1.17 sec)

Seeing all threads

mysql> SELECT * from processlist\G
*************************** 5. row ***************************
                thd_id: 33
               conn_id: 14
                  user: sbtest@localhost
                    db: sbtest
               command: Query
                 state: freeing items
                  time: 0
     current_statement: SELECT pad FROM sbtest1 WHERE id=5045
          lock_latency: 34.00 us
         rows_examined: 1
             rows_sent: 1
         rows_affected: 0
            tmp_tables: 0
       tmp_disk_tables: 0
             full_scan: NO
        last_statement: NULL
last_statement_latency: NULL
             last_wait: NULL
     last_wait_latency: NULL
                source: NULL
*************************** 21. row ***************************
                thd_id: 12
               conn_id: NULL
                  user: innodb/srv_purge_thread
                    db: NULL
               command: NULL
                 state: NULL
                  time: NULL
     current_statement: NULL
          lock_latency: NULL
         rows_examined: NULL
             rows_sent: NULL
         rows_affected: NULL
            tmp_tables: NULL
       tmp_disk_tables: NULL
             full_scan: NO
        last_statement: NULL
last_statement_latency: NULL
             last_wait: NULL
     last_wait_latency: NULL
                source: NULL

Index utilization

mysql> SELECT * FROM x$schema_index_statistics WHERE table_name='sbtest1'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  table_schema: sbtest
    table_name: sbtest1
    index_name: PRIMARY
 rows_selected: 5707813
select_latency: 215928628194276
 rows_inserted: 0
insert_latency: 0
  rows_updated: 0
update_latency: 0
  rows_deleted: 0
delete_latency: 0
*************************** 2. row ***************************
  table_schema: sbtest
    table_name: sbtest1
    index_name: k_1
 rows_selected: 0
select_latency: 0
 rows_inserted: 0
insert_latency: 0
  rows_updated: 0
update_latency: 0
  rows_deleted: 0
delete_latency: 0
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE sbtest.sbtest1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: sbtest1
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `sbtest1` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `k` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `c` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `pad` char(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `k_1` (`k`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
| Com_update                                    | 0           |
| Com_insert                                    | 2755        |
| Com_select                                    | 33343       |
| Com_update                                    | 0           |
| Com_insert                                    | 2729        |
| Com_select                                    | 32998       |
| Com_update                                    | 0           |
| Com_insert                                    | 2744        |
| Com_select                                    | 34069       |
| Com_update                                    | 0           |
| Com_insert                                    | 6727        |
| Com_select                                    | 35064       |
| Com_update                                    | 0           |
| Com_insert                                    | 11733       |
| Com_select                                    | 26735       |
| Com_update                                    | 0           |
Take a snapshot of your VM before configuration replication. You can then clone this VM and launch a second instance.

VM Setup

Image Creation


Installation Steps

# Update base OS
yum update
yum upgrade -y

# Disable IP Tables
chkconfig iptables off
chkconfig ip6tables off

# Configure Networking
sed -i "s/ONBOOT=no/ONBOOT=yes/" /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
echo "DEVICE=eth1
NETMASK=" > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1

# Install MySQL
cd /tmp
yum localinstall -y mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpm
rm -f mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpm
sudo yum-config-manager --disable mysql56-community
sudo yum-config-manager --enable mysql55-community
yum repolist enabled | grep mysql
yum install -y mysql-community-server
rpm -qa | grep mysql
service mysqld start
chkconfig mysqld on
mysql -uroot -e "SELECT VERSION()"

# Install Apache
yum install -y httpd
chkconfig httpd on
echo "ServerName zoo" > /etc/httpd/conf.d/servername.conf
service httpd start

# Install New Relic
rpm -Uvh
yum install -y newrelic-sysmond
nrsysmond-config --set license_key=1f50aab7a48cc9b66170ec2fc95289971c183186
/etc/init.d/newrelic-sysmond start
LICENSE_KEY=1f50aab7a48cc9b66170ec2fc95289971c183186 bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
cd /root/newrelic-npi
# The following is an Interactive Installation
./npi install com.newrelic.plugins.mysql.instance
# Patch script for later use
sed -i 'i cd `dirname $0`' /root/newrelic-npi/npi
mysql -e "CREATE USER newrelic@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'zookeeper';GRANT PROCESS,REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO newrelic@localhost;CREATE USER [email protected] IDENTIFIED BY 'zookeeper';GRANT PROCESS,REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO [email protected];"

# Install MySQL Utilities
sudo yum install -y mysql-utilities

# Non privileged account

useradd -m -G mysql -s /bin/bash dba
passwd dba
umask 226 && echo "dba	ALL=(ALL)	NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/dba
mysql -e "CREATE USER dba@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'zookeeper';GRANT ALL ON *.* TO dba@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION"

yum install -y git-core
su - dba
git clone
echo "[client]
password=zookeeper" > ${HOME}/.my.cnf
mysql -e "SELECT USER()"

cd /tmp
sudo rpm -Uvh sysbench-0.5-3.el6_.x86_64.rpm
rm -f  sysbench-0.5-3.el6_.x86_64.rpm
mysql -e "CREATE USER sbtest@localhost; GRANT ALL ON sbtest.* TO sbtest@localhost;CREATE SCHEMA sbtest"
sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/insert.lua prepare
sysbench --test=/usr/share/doc/sysbench/tests/db/insert.lua run